Loving this trailer ... the wife and I want to get an offroad trailer (AT Horizon - or similar - was what we had talked about), but reading through this build has me thinking more like what you have done in the teardrop vein. If you're ever out in the Denver area, I'd love to take a look ... skibum315 (at) hotmail (dot) com for pics/updates/etc (assuming you have a running list, if not no need to shoot me e-mails special).
Personal notes/preferences on your build (not that you'd particularly care, but they're floating around in my head, so I want to get them down ... and please don't take these as digs on your design - I actually love what you've got, they're just notes):
- My tow vehicle would be a modded '08 Xterra (very similar performace to your FJ), so I wouldn't want to go any higher in the weight of the trailer than what you've talked about
- What are your thoughts on appearance/compatibility of 255x85r16 tires on a 6x4.5" hub? See tow vehicle ... that's the tire/hub I've got, and will be sticking with ... at least for the forseeable future ...
- You're at the max width I'd probably be interested in; and in fact, the vid had me thinking that I'd love to see the approach/departure angles of the trailer tightened up just a bit (wheeling primarily in the CO high country, but with some trips elsewhere ...)
- I like that some pics show load bars on top of the trailer, I was thinking that would be a neat add-on as I watched the video as well
- I'm seconding (thirding?) the thought about a driver's side door in addition to the pass. side ... and the notion of another window in front; IMO the more interior natural light, the better
- Any thought on mounts for Scepter cans (the military kind, not the hardware store ones) - or NATO metal ones - over Rotopax? I go back and forth on which I like better, but I think I've decided to go with Scepters ... partly because I'd 'only' need 4 of those for a full (20 gal) tank, and would take 5 Rotopax for the same volume
- What about a side spare mount, rather than a front, and run the nose box for storage as noted? Thought being: genset behind one fender, spare behind the other, front of fenders open to allow for doors (or temp. in-transit storage, like for wood), front of box/tongue for storage box with 2-3 gas cans between box and trailer front
- Any thought about stabilizer jacks on the rear? Thinking along the lines of what Campa has on their trailers ... is that even needed?
- Additional counter space on slide/90* mount to existing counter, was a good thought; I like that
- Any concern about brakes on something like this? At the weights you're talking about, I'm not sure it needs it; but a supplemental electric (or surge hydraulic) system might be nice for the long downhills we have out this way ... and I realize that may be affected by the choice of coupler (fortunately the Xterra is wired for an electric brake controller from the factory ... all that's needed to add one is a supplemental controller-side harness and installing the unit itself; so I had already been considering this, to go with the trailer purchase)
- Which leads nicely into my next comment: I didn't see (or maybe I missed) anything on how you're connected to the FJ, is it a 'standard' hitch ball and socket? Or is it something more versatile, like a multi-axis coupler? My guess, and preference, would be the latter ... but again, just a thought.
I think that's most, if not all, of my thoughts ... if there's more, I'm sure I'll chime back in ... and crud, I just realized it's getting on towards 8pm; I got wrapped up in reading this thread ... better get home and make sure the afore mentioned wife's not to annoyed with me.