Well almost done with the remodel.
Removed all wiring, all plumbing and all propane.
Installed new Progressive Dynamics control box, soldered all wires and heat shrink on all wiring.
Installed new TV with DVD, last one failed after two years.
Installed new Microwave, door broke, would not open.
Installed new Chairman 255 amp hour battery. It has ran for four full days with galley, interior lights on and off, water pump running, still at 12.6
Installed 12 volt fan behind fridge area, new vent on electrical side, to move air at night and to cool fridge. This is on a switch.
All wiring runs to the Progressive Dynamics box, but the 12 volt load runs through the Morningstar Digital controller. I know exactly what is running and how much it is drawing. I can completely shut down all 12 volt use by pushing one button, but the main box will monitor and charge the battery if connected to 110. Do not need to monitor it.
Installed new Fox Wing, removed old ARB and moved it to the FJ
Installed new quick connect box, built interior box.
Installed new plumbing and am trying foam for protection against rubbing. Nothing failed other than my brain in that I did not drain the tank and the PVC I had used exploded over the winter. All plumbing now metal. Rewired so all wiring is behind the cabinets and not visible.
Installed new bike racks on rear. Will attach at the rear wheel after a trip to the hardware store. Metal bar runs under the rear wheels but requires cutting the bolt to exact length as it hits the counter top.
Still have to setup new solar panel and brackets for it.
Headed to FJ Summit next Friday, almost done.