Yes. That tiny 6mmx1.0 stud seems a bit small to carry ant serious amps.
Yeah I thought the same thingTrue. Still seems undersized... when it's got a cable the size of your thumb hooked up.
And done. I hope it fits nicelyWithout a fuse at that source, you have a very long battery terminal extending all the way to the back. Albeit, it's insulated and has some protection, but you know...if it can, it will...
My plan (if I ever get to it) is to use something like this at the battery ,
Speaking of my plan, any of that 2/0 left over? May be interested in offsetting some of your costs so far.
Yeah that looks ideal. Now to find one
A quick question...
Have you thought about make your toilet stall into a shower stall as well? I doesn't look like it would take a lot of work.
After 5+ REALLY windy weeks in Baja I was glad to have had our indoor shower... Even though it was so windy most of the time that our water heater wouldn't stay lit. We made due with heating water on the stove and putting it in to a solar shower. A hydronic system is high on Casa's "to do" list.
Wow yeah I can see it would be nice in that scenario. We designed this for winter use for the most part. It just runs out we are using it a lot, so shower was not really part of the plan. Sink and faucet were designed for hair washing however!
It was one of the things we gave up going to the smaller size, and not wanting all the extra moisture inside.
On that note if anyone can find me a Bullfinch Exterior shower port (the same kinda AT uses on their trailers) in stock and in the Us preferably I will forever owe them a beer!!!
These ones