Hey guys, I finally got into a LC. I have loved 100 series and always said I would own one some day. In fact I ran across Greg Millers 100 series and fell in love.
Anyway I just sold my Trail Teams FJ and timing was on my side I ran across a 2005 100 series that looked super clean and had great service history so I pulled the trigger. My original plan was to purchase a TRD Pro 4runner but I cant tell you how happy I am that I purchased this land cruiser.
I will admit, I have never actually been on any sort of real expedition- My planned use is light wheeling, camping, fishing trips and just getting out and seeing the beautiful area in which I live.
As it sits now

Plans for the Build-
Rear Bumper/Tire Carrier
Roof Rack- I am hoping Prinsu Design will build me one.
Roof Top Tent
Rear Cargo Drawer/ ARB Fridge
Keeping her clean and well maintained
The input from this forum has always been very well received and so helpful so please chime in.
Anyway I just sold my Trail Teams FJ and timing was on my side I ran across a 2005 100 series that looked super clean and had great service history so I pulled the trigger. My original plan was to purchase a TRD Pro 4runner but I cant tell you how happy I am that I purchased this land cruiser.
I will admit, I have never actually been on any sort of real expedition- My planned use is light wheeling, camping, fishing trips and just getting out and seeing the beautiful area in which I live.
As it sits now

Plans for the Build-
Rear Bumper/Tire Carrier
Roof Rack- I am hoping Prinsu Design will build me one.
Roof Top Tent
Rear Cargo Drawer/ ARB Fridge
Keeping her clean and well maintained
The input from this forum has always been very well received and so helpful so please chime in.