SLC Modest 100 Series Build


Hey guys, I finally got into a LC. I have loved 100 series and always said I would own one some day. In fact I ran across Greg Millers 100 series and fell in love.

Anyway I just sold my Trail Teams FJ and timing was on my side I ran across a 2005 100 series that looked super clean and had great service history so I pulled the trigger. My original plan was to purchase a TRD Pro 4runner but I cant tell you how happy I am that I purchased this land cruiser.

I will admit, I have never actually been on any sort of real expedition- My planned use is light wheeling, camping, fishing trips and just getting out and seeing the beautiful area in which I live.

As it sits now


Plans for the Build-

Rear Bumper/Tire Carrier
Roof Rack- I am hoping Prinsu Design will build me one.
Roof Top Tent
Rear Cargo Drawer/ ARB Fridge
Keeping her clean and well maintained

The input from this forum has always been very well received and so helpful so please chime in.




Renaissance Redneck
Congrats on the new rig! You're going to be so happy you bought a 100. I've driven modded FJ "Cruisers", and they're not even in the same league. The 100 is the perfect blend for dd, camping, mild wheeling, and even some hard trails too.


Expedition Leader
Love that color...congrats! What's the story behind it. Looks like you got a few upgrades already done...nice:)

Dr. Freud

New member
That is too funny. I'm currently shopping for a 100 and saw pics of your new cruiser last night on KSL/dealer's site. Quickly showed it to the wife this morning and then all the sudden it's no longer listed. Bummer for me- congrats to you!


Ya I knew I couldn't wait on it, it was much cleaner then I thought, it being in Salt Lake City, undercarriage looks about the same as my 13' FJ. Carfax shows it spending its entire live in Las Vegas area. The owners traded it in on a brand new rubicon.

Already has OME lift, arb bumper with winch, and what looks like slee sliders. All exactly what I would have done. More pics to come.

At least there will be one less looking for a Hundy locally. I cant tell you how many rigs I've missed on also. Thanks for the support.

KC Cruiser

Great find! I can tell you right now the previous owners are regretting trading that in for a Rubicon!

Ya I knew I couldn't wait on it, it was much cleaner then I thought, it being in Salt Lake City, undercarriage looks about the same as my 13' FJ. Carfax shows it spending its entire live in Las Vegas area. The owners traded it in on a brand new rubicon.

Already has OME lift, arb bumper with winch, and what looks like slee sliders. All exactly what I would have done. More pics to come.

At least there will be one less looking for a Hundy locally. I cant tell you how many rigs I've missed on also. Thanks for the support.

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