Small Off-Road Build


Added the baskets to the side of the rig today. They look awkward extending past the fender, but I haven't added the fender bars and should have that worked out soon.
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That's a great looking trailer, rodrage! It's coming along nicely. The box shape looks perfect and mine will be very similar in size. My trailer is an aluminum Schutt Industries LTT. The stock 4200# Torflex axle was swapped for a Timbren 2000HD. Its dimensions are 96"x 51"x48". I wanted the option of being able to get into mine to sleep if needed, but it will also have a RTT. Like yours, it needed to be fully off-road capable and honestly will go places that my JK would never go. I'll be building the box for my trailer this Winter. Your build is very inspiring. Thanks for posting it! I hope you don't mind me posting a picture of my trailer. The build has been slow because of frame redesigns, other projects and budget constraints.





I've been following your build since you started. (Very envious of the frame design in aluminum). Mine is getting too heavy to manually slide around the garage any more. Yeah, my Timbren set-up and the clearance will outdo my Jeep or truck, but it's nice not to worry about the constraints if I cross a bad washout. Winter builds work much better for me also, as the heat is just a killer. If I can get it skinned out in Feb-March, I'll meet my goal, but life and other projects sometimes take the front seat, and the timeline starts to look endless. Recently, I started the trailer cabinetry and decided to complete ALL of the woodwork while I had the table saw out....I forgot that drying paint takes as long as it sounds, and the varnish and paint put me behind another week!

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You're making great progress. You'll do fine with it. The frame on my Schutt was a big selling point for me too, as the 2-door JK will only handle about 2000#. I've hauled a 3500# tractor on my 600# aluminum tilt trailer and it did just fine. Not something I want to do everyday though. The redesign of the Schutt frame was a big job and I ended up using some 4"x.5" aluminum flat plate and two pieces of 4"x4"x.25" steel angle to help with rigidity. The frame had some flex to it before adding the steel reinforcements. One great feature of adding the angle is that my Timbren units will slide forward and backwards to balance the trailer. It seems about perfect right where it is but I like that it is adjustable. Keeping the box light is the next step. Lightweight construction materials are pricey. I'm currently looking at buying laminates or making my own. The design will be for a minimalistic setup. I'd also like to switch to a hardsided RTT.

Honestly, I think your design is one of the best that I have seen. Watching closely!



Nested the sliders and pull out kitchen in the kitchen box. I'll add the latches when they come in. Looks like it will leave me exactly 6" to house the pantry. Happy about that.
Almost finished with a dry food (Canned/Boxed) storage tray that will be on a set of slides just above the refrigerator.
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Well-known member
It's been over 2 months it looks like, I really hope Rod comes back with updates on this great build. The guy has skills and great ideas. :)


Sorry- Been travelling since the early holidays... Hope to have some new pics soon. Finishing box cage, and getting to powder soon. Hope to start assembling components in the next month or two.


I borrowed a hitch (haven't had time to finish couple pieces) and took the frame/box out to get a feel for pulling it. It has a great balance, but it will get more and more front heavy as it gets assembled/ so I have to keep gear loads in mind. When I was out I had 3-4 people talk to me about it- and sent them to the site for reference, and answer questions.
If I repeat myself or failed to explain my intentions, I apologize..... The trailer is meant to be a go anywhere (above water) that I want to pull it. The high ground clearance and IRS contribute to the off-road capabilities. It is ONLY meant for 2-3 people and strong enough to carry heavy amount of gear in the worst of times, but be comfortable with all camp amenities in the best of times. I'm not really an RV kind of guy, and used to sleeping on the ground at camp. The older I get however, makes me appreciate a good tent. The roof top tent and vestibule will be a good compromise. When it's complete, It will have a complete running water kitchen, propane stove, chuck pantry, hot shower, dual battery power, solar/ generator recharge, security lighting, radio transceiver, strongbox, and dedicated expedition tools.
Most other answers and pics can be found in the previous pages of the thread.
Hopefully, I will start on powder and paint soon so I can finally assemble this thing and get it out in the trees.
I hope this helps. Thanks for the interest.


Sorry that life has gotten in the way recently.... About to get cage off to powder and prepping the frame for final welding. Found out that my left frame rail was canted just under 1/4" out on the bottom. Doesn't seem like a whole lot, but that equates to @1 3/4" out when it hits the ground. Had to pull out the frame and cut the side off. Back in spec and solid again. Still have to mount torsion bars and plates for the tongue weight, and tabs for the tool box, and water tank cradles. Starting to disassemble the cage parts and enlarge mounting holes to compensate for the powder. Fitting accessories to drill plates. I can't fabricate the top rack/rail until I set the tent to the roof and this is still a one person operation. Traveling for a few weeks, but will update before the end of the month... Cheers!


White is on cage, had to make some last minute changes. Need to refinish the kitchen box, but got the kitchen box and strong box fitted. Next is to skin the top and bottom and get the chassis to powder. Garage needs this thing to get assembled for floor space.


Started the paint on the shell. The skin will be 1/4" pre-primed birch with a 26ga roofing steel skin in graphite gray. Adding some interior/exterior latex, and fitting the panels to the cage before adhering the steel. I can trace the door openings before making the cuts saving allot of heart-ache and wasted material.

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