Snorkels can be handy in times like this


Expedition Leader
So what is the smart move? swim across and pull winch line and cross with engine off or turn around.... that deep of water will destroy US truck wiring... ???


Expedition Leader
Had they flooded the truck it would have driven on the bottom.

Wiring not an issue if you prepare for deep water. IE, seal everything up with dielectric grease. Although relays, window motors, ECU and things of this nature are not going to like it one bit.



Expedition Leader
Although relays, window motors, ECU and things of this nature are not going to like it one bit.

The good thing about their choice of vehicle is that it's a HZJ80 in DX trim (barn doors). This means a 1HZ mechanically injected diesel with power nothing (no power seats, doors, mirrors or locks). The only thing he needs its to make sure water does not get into the fuel system, up the exhaust or in the air intake. Other than that all you need is one 12V solenoid to work (fuel supply shut off). Still not the smartest move, this was a common water crossing location and they people involved knew it was very deep before they attempted the crossing.

I wonder if they turned around to come back? :costumed-smiley-007


Doesn't Get Out Enough
When you absolutely positively have to get to the other side... Toyota Land Cruiser Yacht.

Darn it. How do you do Strikethrough text on here?

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