Snow Peak Addiction


Picked up a bottle yesterday and fired it up.


I have to say the flame adjustability is kind of pointless as you have to have it on low just to keep the flame inside the globe, of course this is a fresh bottle so it may improve as the bottles empties down.

Ordered two today. Looking forward to getting mine.


Picked up a bottle yesterday and fired it up.


I have to say the flame adjustability is kind of pointless as you have to have it on low just to keep the flame inside the globe, of course this is a fresh bottle so it may improve as the bottles empties down.

I agree the 2 different adjustments are meaning less, the rotating collar has to be on minimum or it is outside the glass. The twisty typical SP gas control does almost nothing except let you turn the gas off. I am running this on an almost empty canister.
Drifta SP gear.

The Drifta products are constructed of robust canvas and have chunky zippers that shouldn't be fussy in the years to com. The items I received are all single stitched.

I really like the Drifta Jikaro table bag. the table fits great and is far superior than the "bag" SP provided. This is a bomber product. The bag for the red chairs is a little oversized and two chairs easily fit. The chair bag has a flap the secured with velcro to close it up. I would much prefer a zippered closure, like on the Jikaro bag. The cookset bag and bootliner bags are well built as well. I will update the fit and function of these as I get some time using them under my belt.

I also picked up a SCB kitchen at Overland Expo West 2016. This is a well thought out piece of equipment. I look forward to using this as it solves table area in a generous manner. I'm in Colorado Springsso PM if you are in the area and want to check out any of the SP or Drifta stuff I just got. I'm not a techy guy, so I'm not going to post photos. The Drifta website had great photos.

I gotta get back to my camper project now...anyone local a lift spring guru?...LOL



I also picked up a SCB kitchen at Overland Expo West 2016. This is a well thought out piece of equipment. I look forward to using this as it solves table area in a generous manner.

I don't think I know what a SCB kitchen is, if you have a company full name or a link I would like to find out more.


It is pretty well-made, but it will blow out on you with any kind of wind. Agree that adjustibility is somewhat mediocre, but when it working its nice for the ambiance.

Yup mine worked so well the first night I ordered a second. Spent all night on Sunday re-lighting them because of a mild wind. I don't think they would be so easy to blow out if the adjustment wasn't - fire at the top of the glass globe, and off.
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I just ordered a 4th little lamp nocturn to send out for the gas canister wood cover build that is in-progress. I have a problem :drool: They are pretty cool when lit in clusters.

We've been in the 14-20 mph winds range in typical North Texas fashion with higher gusts and I have yet to relight? The build quality really is exceptional on these things. I do wish though that a jet lighter could ignite it. Needs a soft flame to light.


We used our in camp this past weekend and it blew out several times even tried turning it to face different directions to no avail still blew out in light breeze.


A friend of mine is in Japan as we speak and she sent me this photo


Can't even imagine walking around in that store. All this stuff and it is available :D

Managed to give her a little wishlist so a few items will be in her suitcase when she flies back. Hanging rack frame with inserts for my IGT and some brackets that allow adding a table to the stacking shelf container. Have not been able to find those items on sale outside Japan.


lost on the mainland
not to mention the Japan uniflame and other companies cool toys :)
A friend of mine is in Japan as we speak and she sent me this photo


Can't even imagine walking around in that store. All this stuff and it is available :D

Managed to give her a little wishlist so a few items will be in her suitcase when she flies back. Hanging rack frame with inserts for my IGT and some brackets that allow adding a table to the stacking shelf container. Have not been able to find those items on sale outside Japan.
Are there any vendors in North America that actually stock and sell Snow Peak gear, and not just clothing? Always seem to be hunting for IGT parts and accessories and I'm finding a few items now and then on Amazon but the picking is fairly slim and the prices reflect it.


Are there any vendors in North America that actually stock and sell Snow Peak gear, and not just clothing? Always seem to be hunting for IGT parts and accessories and I'm finding a few items now and then on Amazon but the picking is fairly slim and the prices reflect it.

I was at my local REI and saw some of their mugs, bowls, torch, and pocket rocket thingy (i can't remember what Snow Peak calls theirs). They also had one of the Single Action Low S tables. I have yet to check out the Portland, OR location - maybe I'll go this weekend and report back :)

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