Snow Peak Addiction


Has anyone built under rack slides for a IGT table so it fits under the front runner rack? I know frontrunner builds a set for their tables, but IGTs are a little thicker and can’t slide in. Just want to check before I build something.



Solo cooking equip review...
Snowpeak 60th Ti Trekking set V MSR Windburner
Here is a light hearted shootout of the SP Ti set v MSR Windburner. This test was performed in our shed so no wind, it was 23C inside using 700ml water @ 10C.

Both stoves were run on the same 460gm ISO Butane 4 season mix.

Results as follows:

Weight (complete kit)

SP Ti weight with 100gm gas can: 632gm
MSR WB with 100gm gas can: 664gm

Boil times using 700ml water @ 10C

SP Ti: 5min 06sec
MSR: 3min 26sec

I wanted to compare these two units for interest only. With only 32gm between them for vehicle based travel the weight isn’t an issue.
Size wise the SP is 10mm wider yet 25mm shorter so the difference is negligible.

Performance the MSR boils the same volume of water about 1min 40sec quicker than the SP.

Usability in the field, the MSR is our go to for a quick coffee / tea break on the side of the trail. It is though really a one trick pony in that it’s only really good for heating water for drinks or rehydrating meals.
The SP has more options being a two pot system. You can use one as a cup / bowl negating the need to bring another cup in your pack.
Where the MSR shines is in windy conditions or at altitude. The SP even with the screen is effected by cross winds losing a bit of direct heat. The GS-100 pumps out more BTU’s than the MSR though.

Conclusion I don’t think you could go wrong with either option for light weight cooking units for field use. The MSR lives in our 4WD draws but I’ve found we’re taking the SP more these days as well to use instead of taking a traditional stove. You can fit a cast / spun pan on top, even the lid of the SP Micro Oval works well and cook your protein items.

As mentioned this is by no means a full technical review more a comparison of two different options for outdoor cooking.

And by the way I’m in no way endorsed by anything except self sponsored .

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Hi -

Is someone able to post a closer photo of the IGT slide bracket? I'm wondering if this will interface successfully with my Tacoma bed rails to be used as a table inside of my truck canopy.


I got the SP Kitchen Table last week and set it up with some of the connector accessories that I picked up today from L’Breath. The 4U table frame is out of stock in many places so I’m still looking for it in the stores (trying to use my SP Points Card). Hopefully I get it by the end of the month so I can finally have the stove/grill setup and do a cookout! Some photos of the new model.

Kitchen Table - LV-310
Kitchen Table IGT Frame Connectors - LV-312
Kitchen Table Side Connector - LV-313

Additional Products In Photos:
Storage Container 25
Gas BBQ Grill - GS-355








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I got the SP Kitchen Table last week and set it up with some of the connector accessories that I picked up today from L’Breath. The 4U table frame is out of stock in many places so I’m still looking for it in the stores (trying to use my SP Points Card). Hopefully I get it by the end of the month so I can finally have the stove/grill setup and do a cookout! Some photos of the new model.

Kitchen Table - LV-310
Kitchen Table IGT Frame Connectors - LV-312
Kitchen Table Side Connector - LV-313

Additional Products In Photos:
Storage Container 25
Gas BBQ Grill - GS-355








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What are your initial thoughts?

It's so hard to tell from the photos, is it as stable as a standard IGT setup of the same size?

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What are your initial thoughts?

It's so hard to tell from the photos, is it as stable as a standard IGT setup of the same size?

I got a chance to grill out on the balcony tonight. My first impression is I think its a little more stable when you add another shelf to the top section or a IGT 4U frame (which is what I did). One thing you have to do is use a flathead screwdriver or something similar (a large coin would suffice too) so you can tighten the bolts. Similar to my experience with the IGT frames, the more you put on it and/or attach other SP table extensions/IGT frames, the more stable it becomes. With similar setups, the kitchen unit is more stable b/n the two.

I plan on grilling out again tomorrow night and I have few more thoughts plus some pics I will share about my experience with it thus far. I will post additional feedback later this week.

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