they are really nice chairs
canvas was really nice feeling without feeling itchy or plasticy like some can feel
the bottom part you sit on is quite firm so you dont sink into it much or meaning its taught feeling where some camp chairs that fold have a non taught feeling ? if that makes sense and will if you get one
I like low chairs for lounging because your feet can kinda slide out in front of you and relax a bit more than taller chairs
the only downside for me was once again the pack size and going with the helinox ones saved us on that they pack down smaller than say the ALPS but not a lot smaller so with 4 of us the size was still a issue if that is not a worry then wont be a issue I am obsessive to say the least

I do think they are the nicest lower folding style chair and do pack a bit smaller than most and do feel way better quality than other folders so for me was purely size of having 4 of them with us
hope that helps some

but if you get one for sure write it up
I have went through a ton of chairs to me one really has to own them and use them a few times I think to decide what is comfy and not one reason I have bought so many chairs
I am reading the camp chair thread and saw that you also got the low beach chair, what are your thoughts, Honu?