I just finished a 5 day off road trip with my trailer built by Mike at Voyager... Have fun with your. I am overly thrilled with mine!
Five days. I'm envious of you, Debbie. We just did three in central New Mexico, and the trailer, also built by Mike, was basically perfect. Not so the driver of the rig, but more in a moment.
The first pic below was taken at our camp in the Manzanos, showing our kitchen,
and this one is the next day in the Santa Fe National Forest, with the Arb out but we we haven't yet set up the dogs' night time fence which can be seen in the background under the trailer tongue.
We don't do technical, and this is basically as bad as it intentionally gets:

However, forest service roads, especially those signed: "No passenger vehicles", or, a bit more ominously, "High clearance and forest management vehicles only", can sometimes be a bit more of a challenge and one of those caused me to learn a bit on this trip. I left the leveler jacks mounted on the back of the trailer, and despite being careful, managed to destroy one of them. Seems that the forest service people built water flow control ridges in the road which have _very_ steep approaches. Steep enough that one of the jacks hit the ground despite 30" tires.
After that, I moved the remaining good jack from the back of the trailer to the mount on the tongue. I bit later, same road, we reached a dead end in a narrow box canyon. Rather than attempt to back up several hundred yards, I decided there was room for me to turn around with something like a 5 point turn. In the process, I didn't quite jack knife, but I did run the rear bumper into the crank handle of the leveler jack I had just moved to the front. Bent the handle all to hell and gone, but was too pissed at myself to take a photo.
Lesson learned. DO NOT drive on USFS roads with the leveler jacks mounted anywhere. Stow them on the tongue!