Is your aggressive defense of the term "solar generator" motivated by financial connections? Nothing wrong with defending your product but be upfront if that's the case.
I assure you that this in no way an aggressive defense of a term. I have held steadfast of my terminology since these products were introduced some years ago.
While I'm a fan of Jackery there are many other solar generators out there that are just as good. I was providing the link so as to help out few members here to some upgraded options that were made available on the market today.
Something smells like orange koolaid... Never mind conversion losses.
How big is a solar array what can generate within three hours almost 166Ah at nominal 12V ?
How many amps is that at 120VAC within 2.5 hours ?
You need only look up the specs sir. I will tell you that Jackery has upgraded to the more commonly available Panasonic 18650 Li-ion Batteries which will make serviceability a breeze. It's all in the upgraded MPPT controllers that allows for quick charges by pushing in more amps without overheating the battery.
I cant answer for “Mr. Genrator”, But I suspect reason is childish trolling.
I do the same thing. As a nitpicker here for correct use of engineering terms seems to confuse or pissoff some people.
Many others troll too. For example incorrectly calling a firearm part clip or magazine will seriously set some people off.
My friendly post was meant to be helpful. I would appreciate it if you do not group me in with yourself (as in childish trolling). I am simply showing members here to not sweat what their terminology might be and to ease up on the terminologies being used. There is no such thing as a "correct engineering term". Many engineers use different words and sentences when describing the same exact thing. It's the way of the world.
An example would be a Boom Gallow on a sailboat. My grandfather cast these and sold them as such. Many shipbuilders would come into his foundry and ask for a Gallows Brace, Deck Base, Boom Crutch, or even a Gallows Frame . My grandfather did not miss a beat and was able to show them all the different sizes of Boom Gallows available. Everyone in the shipbuilding industry had a different name for the same product.
FWIW, I proudly served in the military and we often used the words "clips", "banana dandy", "double bubble", " ******* book", "jagazine", "noob cannon" etc, etc, when describing the feeding device of a firearm.
Please don't take it personal. Nitpicking will get you nowhere. Having an open mind and being helpful and learning from each other is what it's all about.