"Solar Generator"


Well-known member
There are already a few of the lower output LiFePo4 solar generators that can do just what you describe. As technology moves forward I can see larger size solar generators charging at a much more rapid rate than what is currently available on the market.

Ask and you shall receive what the makers end user demands. As I stated over 2 months ago, it's now available. Jackery is producing both portable POWER STATIONS and SOLAR GENERATORS and quick charging. So now all the bickering and arguments that flood this forum can be quelled.

Now if they were LiFePo4 chemistry that could rapidly charge in a couple hours and sit above 13v fully charged, they might start being attractive..

Jackery has you covered there as well. Almost 166 amp hours of battery charged from dead to full in 2.5 house when used as a power station and charged from 110 outlet and 3 hours when used in solar generator configuration and charged from solar panels.



Well-known member
Ask and you shall receive what the makers end user demands. As I stated over 2 months ago, it's now available. Jackery is producing both portable POWER STATIONS and SOLAR GENERATORS and quick charging. So now all the bickering and arguments that flood this forum can be quelled.

Jackery has you covered there as well. Almost 166 amp hours of battery charged from dead to full in 2.5 house when used as a power station and charged from 110 outlet and 3 hours when used in solar generator configuration and charged from solar panels.

Is your aggressive defense of the term "solar generator" motivated by financial connections? Nothing wrong with defending your product but be upfront if that's the case.


Well-known member
Is your aggressive defense of the term "solar generator" motivated by financial connections? Nothing wrong with defending your product but be upfront if that's the case.

I assure you that this in no way an aggressive defense of a term. I have held steadfast of my terminology since these products were introduced some years ago.

While I'm a fan of Jackery there are many other solar generators out there that are just as good. I was providing the link so as to help out few members here to some upgraded options that were made available on the market today.

Something smells like orange koolaid... Never mind conversion losses.
How big is a solar array what can generate within three hours almost 166Ah at nominal 12V ?
How many amps is that at 120VAC within 2.5 hours ?

You need only look up the specs sir. I will tell you that Jackery has upgraded to the more commonly available Panasonic 18650 Li-ion Batteries which will make serviceability a breeze. It's all in the upgraded MPPT controllers that allows for quick charges by pushing in more amps without overheating the battery.

I cant answer for “Mr. Genrator”, But I suspect reason is childish trolling.
I do the same thing. As a nitpicker here for correct use of engineering terms seems to confuse or pissoff some people.
Many others troll too. For example incorrectly calling a firearm part clip or magazine will seriously set some people off.

My friendly post was meant to be helpful. I would appreciate it if you do not group me in with yourself (as in childish trolling). I am simply showing members here to not sweat what their terminology might be and to ease up on the terminologies being used. There is no such thing as a "correct engineering term". Many engineers use different words and sentences when describing the same exact thing. It's the way of the world.

An example would be a Boom Gallow on a sailboat. My grandfather cast these and sold them as such. Many shipbuilders would come into his foundry and ask for a Gallows Brace, Deck Base, Boom Crutch, or even a Gallows Frame . My grandfather did not miss a beat and was able to show them all the different sizes of Boom Gallows available. Everyone in the shipbuilding industry had a different name for the same product.

FWIW, I proudly served in the military and we often used the words "clips", "banana dandy", "double bubble", " ******* book", "jagazine", "noob cannon" etc, etc, when describing the feeding device of a firearm.

Please don't take it personal. Nitpicking will get you nowhere. Having an open mind and being helpful and learning from each other is what it's all about.


Well-known member
There is no such thing as a "correct engineering term". Many engineers use different words and sentences when describing the same exact thing. It's the way of the world.

FWIW, I proudly served in the military and we often used the words "clips", "banana dandy", "double bubble", " ******* book", "jagazine", "noob cannon" etc, etc, when describing the feeding device of a firearm.
You can call solar powered batteries Magic Mystery Boxes for all I care but these are inaccurate statements. Professionals use correct terminology out of pride in their craft. In the military, we call clips "clips" and magazines "magazines" because they are different and it would be ignorant to do otherwise, (I assume you did not serve in combat arms). I have a degree in engineering and professors would always correct students for not using precise terminology much less incorrect terminology. One of my professors wouldn't even let us say jet engine, it was a turbojet or turbofan or turboprop or ramjet or scramjet. Refer to concrete as cement in front of a civil engineer and I guarantee they will correct you.
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Well-known member
Professionals use correct terminology out of pride in their craft. In the military, we call clips "clips" and magazines "magazines" because they are different and it would be ignorant to do otherwise, (I assume you did not serve in combat arms). I have a degree in engineering and professors would always correct students for not using precise terminology much less incorrect terminology. Refer to concrete as cement in front of a civil engineer and I guarantee they will correct you.

Please do not assume what or where I served (Navy CB’s BTW). We are not in school being lectured by a professor or corrected by a civil engineer.

Being an engineer has no bearing on this subject matter so please refrain from commenting in an attempting to correct something that is shown clear as day in a description for purchase.

It serves no purpose to brag about your education or line of work with the purpose of making yourself look better.

Let’s please keep this topic on track to help forum members make an educated choice on some of these fantastic products that are being made.

Thank you


Well-known member
Please do not assume what or where I served (Navy CB’s BTW). We are not in school being lectured by a professor or corrected by a civil engineer.

Being an engineer has no bearing on this subject matter so please refrain from commenting in an attempting to correct something that is shown clear as day in a description for purchase.

It serves no purpose to brag about your education or line of work with the purpose of making yourself look better.

Let’s please keep this topic on track to help forum members make an educated choice on some of these fantastic products that are being made.

Thank you
I made an assumption based on your claim of using incorrect terminology which is why professionals are particular with the words of their trade as to not be mistaken for an amateur. Don't take it as disrespect as I don't know you from Adam and this is an informal online forum for entertainment.
I'm not attempting to impress strangers using an anonymous account, I'm giving context to how your statement about engineers is incorrect. You are the one who brought up engineers, not me.
The topic is "Solar Generator" in quotes with the OP making snarky remarks about the term. Therefore, the subject of technical vs slang terminology is on point. If you want to start a new thread espousing the virtues of "solar generators" I will refrain from making any comments.


Well-known member
Don't take it as disrespect as I don't know you from Adam and this is an informal online forum for entertainment

Well we see this forum differently. Mr Brady and his group of friends created this forum to promote and support vehicle-dependent explorations throughout the world by 4wd, motorcycles and bicycles.

I have never once thought of this forum as a form of entertainment or a place to argue or prove myself right. It is not in the decorum of this forum to make posts of that nature. I make every effort to conduct my behavior in accordance with the intended nature of this online community in good faith and common interest.

So back to the solar generator:

Bang for the buck these two new solar generator offerings from Jackery are a great addition to market that's continually growing and developing new solar technology. I'm excited and looking forward to see other manufacturers develop these units. This can only be a good thing for the end user. They are getting lighter with more charge cycles and quicker charging.

You can't beat these solar generators for ease of use and simplicity when building out a rig. Especially for the smaller rigs that are space limited or for guys like me that want to have something to power a small fridge and charge a few devices. The portability and ability to move from rig to rig, into the tent, a friends campsite, etc is a big plus.

And the sizes of the solar generators are getting big enough to power large house appliances during a power outage. With judicious use the Goal Zero Yeti 6000X can even power a small AC unit during the peak heat of the day and have enough left to last the night for the rest of the house. Add a few 200 watt solar panels to it and now you have a rolling solar generator that has some serious output.

Of course these units are not for everyone. For a large live aboard rig it's hard to argue against a good 400+ amp hour set of lithium batteries with all the goodies that go along with it. For those with a large income that is a better option for sure.


Bang for the buck these two new solar generator offerings from Jackery are a great addition to market that's continually growing and developing new solar technology. I'm excited and looking forward to see other manufacturers develop these units. This can only be a good thing for the end user. They are getting lighter with more charge cycles and quicker charging.
You must be Joking. These shiny plastic boxes are ridiculously overpriced. Let's take a Jackery solar panel: $299 for a 100W panel. Any self taught self builder can put together a better system for half the price using good quality components. That self build system can be easily repaired or upgraded component by component by the builder. Building your own system will give the confidence and understanding to repair and maintain the system.
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Well-known member
You must be Joking. These shiny plastic boxes are ridiculously overpriced. Building your own system will give the confidence and understanding to repair and maintain the system.

I'm not so sue about that Joe. You are going to be hard pressed to build something cheaper that comes in as compact and light as some of these units manufacturers are selling as all in one units. When you add in the labor it really gets to be costly.

And let's be realistic, a elementary school educated child can easily build and maintain a portable DIY solar generator. There is really not much to it other than component configuration and placement. No more difficult than putting together a Lego or Erector set. Simple hand tools and time on your hands to fabricate. All you are doing is putting components together like a puzzle. They are already manufactured for you.

Of course nothing wrong at all if you want to build your own portable solar generator. Please share the components and dimensions of a unit that can be made lighter and cheaper with comparable amp hours. I have yet to see any DIY portable solar generator that is not bulky and heavy.

I want to be clear I'm not discussing a stand alone permanent setup such as what you have in your converted 917 Mercedes. I followed your build way before becoming a member here. It came out nice. I would have done the electrical a lot different but you set it up for your needs and how you wanted. Those heavy T145 and Surette 235 batteries were about the best choice for your build. Not so good for a portable unit.



You must be Joking. These shiny plastic boxes are ridiculously overpriced. Let's take a Jackery solar panel: $299 for a 100W panel. Any self taught self builder can put together a better system for half the price using good quality components. That self build system can be easily repaired or upgraded component by component by the builder. Building your own system will give the confidence and understanding to repair and maintain the system.

For example...


Well-known member
To each his or her own. I am by no means putting down DIY system. It's all about choice. Heck I built my own dual battery system using chosen components that suited my purpose. I will tell you it was not cheaper than a ready made dual battery kit.

I'm very well aware of the cost. I have yet to see a DIY solar generator that is as light and portable as a Jackery or similar unit for less cost. Can you please show me one? Mass production is almost always cheaper than custom fabricated.

Also the manufacturers such as Jackery, Bluetti, Dometic, etc have outstanding reliability and warranties. They are great options for those that don't have the tools or time to build their own.

This can be an interesting discussion if a forum member is willing to show a solar generator that beats the price, size and functionality of a ready made unit.


Man On a Mission
To each his or her own. I am by no means putting down DIY system. It's all about choice. Heck I built my own dual battery system using chosen components that suited my purpose. I will tell you it was not cheaper than a ready made dual battery kit.

I'm very well aware of the cost. I have yet to see a DIY solar generator that is as light and portable as a Jackery or similar unit for less cost. Can you please show me one? Mass production is almost always cheaper than custom fabricated.

Also the manufacturers such as Jackery, Bluetti, Dometic, etc have outstanding reliability and warranties. They are great options for those that don't have the tools or time to build their own.

This can be an interesting discussion if a forum member is willing to show a solar generator that beats the price, size and functionality of a ready made unit.
I feel Like Tim from Tool Time,

Look what I found :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:



Well-known member
Literally about all you do is virtue signal and argue. So this is especially humorous to me. Wrapping it in a sickly saccharin wrapper with a Ned Flanders-esque bow doesn't change that at all...And that's fine. But stop pretending.

The name calling and trolling I can do without. Could we please keep this on topic?

Look what I found :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

That's a nice unit right there!


Man On a Mission
The name calling and trolling I can do without. Could we please keep this on topic?

That's a nice unit right there!

Yeah I went all weak at the Knees when I saw that puppy, My PLB's are great and I like the fact the 12v sockets are rated at 15A but If I could only have one unit it would be the Bluetti 1500w "Not" the 2400w because although the 2400 or 1800w have more stored power they still all share the same 1000w AC inverter, And I think the 1500w version would run my fridge for almost a couple of weeks,


Well-known member
The name calling and trolling I can do without. Could we please keep this on topic?

An example would be a Boom Gallow on a sailboat. My grandfather cast these and sold them as such. Many shipbuilders would come into his foundry and ask for a Gallows Brace, Deck Base, Boom Crutch, or even a Gallows Frame . My grandfather did not miss a beat and was able to show them all the different sizes of Boom Gallows available. Everyone in the shipbuilding industry had a different name for the same product.

FWIW, I proudly served in the military and we often used the words "clips", "banana dandy", "double bubble", " ******* book", "jagazine", "noob cannon" etc, etc, when describing the feeding device of a firearm.

Says the guy that posts scintillating on topic stuff like the above lol. You are just as bad as anyone else is. Consider getting over yourself. Worry not about further interaction as It's clear you belong on my block list.

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