You are just as bad as anyone else is. Consider getting over yourself. Worry not about further interaction as It's clear you belong on my block list.
I also bought a 100w panel and then decided that was not right so I bought 6 X 150w panels for my next project and I bought 2 X Ecoworthy 120w Folding panels just to charge the 2 PLB's.LOL!! One thing for sure as long as you don't have to worry about solar energy!!
I feel Like Tim from Tool Time,
Look what I found
Well I think you would need 2 or 3 150w panels in order to get the voltage up, I have found that my PLB 40 which is 512wh will do every thing a person needs for camping and it is easy to charge, The bigger the power box the longer you have to stay parked up trying to charge it and with a young family that is not an option, the Idea of getting away is to leave the world behind not take it with you. These 1500w+ power boxes just OTT, the balance is between 500 to 1000w, 1500w is ok if you need a bit extra in reserve.The capacity is nice.
But the charging input seems severely limited. I don't really understand why someone cant come up with one of these that will allow high amperage DC charging.
The real killer is even the solar charging needs at least 26V so you can't even charge this from one 18V solar panel. Not real practical for most folks.
For someone that is plugging in M-F and going out for short trips on the weekends I could see this but this is useless for longer trips or full time. There basically isn't timely way to charge it without plugging it in or having at least 2 full time panels on the vehicle.
For $2700 it doesn't seem like a bargain to me. If you actually use all the capacity you won't be able to to put it back in while mobile, unless you are going to drive for 30 hours lol.
But the charging input seems severely limited. I don't really understand why someone cant come up with one of these that will allow decent amperage for DC charging.
Yep, I bought one panel that was 100w and then I got the bigger is better bug until I realized that I was going have to store them someplace In the van when not in use So then I bought a 120w folding panel, I think they are just about right for mobile use But those 150's I bought are just too much unless they are fixed in one spot.Considering the targeted buyer demographic. I expect reason is abundance of caution.
They need to sell a plug n play appliance.
Anything what needs even minor compentence for connection to a higher current source is too much product liability risk.
Considering the targeted buyer demographic. I expect reason is abundance of caution.
They need to sell a plug n play appliance.
Anything what needs even minor compentence for connection to a higher current source is too much product liability risk.
Its when somebody of little proficiency begins to assemble such parts into an energised electrical apparatus things become hazardous.
Wiring together and assembling electrical components is no more dangerous than plugging into and operating a ready made production device. It is no different than comparing the hazards of assembling a motorcycle vs starting and operating one.
This must be a troll account.