Solid state batteries will make electric expedition vehicles practical.


Well-known member
I see what you are writing. I have no reason to disbelieve you per se. Seems like you are in the industry and I am not. Call it a product of growing up in the 70's and 80's if you want, but I just cant seem to think Nuclear is safe. Maybe very few bad things happen, but when they do, it can affect an area for well past our lifetime.

What is the worst that happens when other power plants "blow"? Just the consequences dont seem as bad as the worst possible scenario of a Nuclear plant problem

Typically they result in deaths to onsite personnel and some environmental damage if a fossil fuel is involved.
The nuclear reactors are in buildings designed to contain a hydrogen explosion, steam explosions are easily contained in those buildings. You have to try real hard to put radioactive stuff into the atmosphere. The plants should take care of themselves with just a few remote operator actions. When the plants are operating there is no one in the containment so it is very unlikely for a person to be injured.
No real containment to speak of at Chernobyl.


Western Dirt Rat
Interesting convo about nuclear, which is without question the most safe form base load electrical generation on the planet, even including Fukushima (whose release actual impact on sea life was negligible and barely above background levels) and Chernobyl, which were designs from the late 1940s installed in the 1960s. 4th gen designs are walk away safe. There is no logical safety argument against nuclear power. Only cost and timeframe arguments, much of that tied to the absolutely wild levels of regulatory blockage of this tech, again tied to outdated paranoia.

It's coming back because we need the power whether you like it or not. Do some, scratch that, lots of reading. BTW hundreds of small modular reactors have been floating around in the ocean for decades in the form of naval submarines. We need to get past the Day After and China Syndrome paranoia of the 1980s. Nuclear is the only carbon free base load power solution that we have right now. We should have been building them for the last three decades and now we are no longer leading in the field. China is. Grid scale renewable battery storage is larger technical and economic challenge than 4th gen nuclear. Every time I hear about "add a battery" to an solar farm, I laugh. It doesn't exist and the tech won't be economical, or even environmentally responsible for at least a few decades if ever.


Expedition Leader
Does anyone run induction cooking outdoors? Since I cook outdoors 90% of the time I can't justify the expense for induction cooking. Generally I boil water for coffee and not much else inside my camper.

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