I see what you are writing. I have no reason to disbelieve you per se. Seems like you are in the industry and I am not. Call it a product of growing up in the 70's and 80's if you want, but I just cant seem to think Nuclear is safe. Maybe very few bad things happen, but when they do, it can affect an area for well past our lifetime.
What is the worst that happens when other power plants "blow"? Just the consequences dont seem as bad as the worst possible scenario of a Nuclear plant problem
Typically they result in deaths to onsite personnel and some environmental damage if a fossil fuel is involved.
The nuclear reactors are in buildings designed to contain a hydrogen explosion, steam explosions are easily contained in those buildings. You have to try real hard to put radioactive stuff into the atmosphere. The plants should take care of themselves with just a few remote operator actions. When the plants are operating there is no one in the containment so it is very unlikely for a person to be injured.
No real containment to speak of at Chernobyl.