Sounds like Stellantis is on the right path.

It’s literally a picture of a gas burning truck on every post you make. But I’m glad you just said what you did- an EV truck isn’t right for you- and that’s the entire point other are trying to make when you speak over their heads with the holier than thou attitude.
Is that house solar or does it burn coal and natural gas at the power plant?
Reading is fundamental. I wrote there are no mid size EV pickup options.

Why yes, my home is solar powered. One of the several reasons we left Arizona was to be able to generate our own energy without onerous fees and regulations.

There are plenty of studies that rebuke the “coal powered ev” narrative. Even an EV powered by a coal plant is still more efficient and less carbon intensive than the average combustion vehicle. I can cite my sources if you are interested.

Besides, coal plants are dying off pretty quickly due market forces. They’re just bad investments at this point.

For our current energy mix you can check this out.
Click on the supply tab and you can see where our energy is coming from today. It’s cloudy and rainy in NorCal right now, and of course we are all nearing solstice.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
Reading is fundamental. I wrote there are no mid size EV pickup options.

Why yes, my home is solar powered. One of the several reasons we left Arizona was to be able to generate our own energy without onerous fees and regulations.

There are plenty of studies that rebuke the “coal powered ev” narrative. Even an EV powered by a coal plant is still more efficient and less carbon intensive than the average combustion vehicle. I can cite my sources if you are interested.

Besides, coal plants are dying off pretty quickly due market forces. They’re just bad investments at this point.

For our current energy mix you can check this out.
Click on the supply tab and you can see where our energy is coming from today. It’s cloudy and rainy in NorCal right now, and of course we are all nearing solstice.
You are driving a gas burner- which is fine, no problem here, but if you believe the claims you make you’d adjust your lifestyle to fit what EVs are available- until then you are making the same choice as the rest of us.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
"Some people" will always think something...
I’m more worried about their actions. If they fly a private jet to a conference and eat beef while listening to speeches about climate change or drive a gas burner truck and complain and drivel nonsense about the compiling of wealth then you just can’t take these people seriously.


For our current energy mix you can check this out.
Click on the supply tab and you can see where our energy is coming from today. It’s cloudy and rainy in NorCal right now, and of course we are all nearing solstice.
I like that! I noticed a lot of battery capacity, so looked that up. A good chunk is used EV batteries apparently. There will be a lot of these available in the coming years.



Doubt is a powerful weapon.

Fortunately for us, previous generation didn’t suffer from such lack of imagination. I’m an X that “believes” little of anything, but was mostly raised by depression era Grandparents that would be an absolute ray of sunshine compared to today’s Americans.
Pragmatism is too. Anybody can wax and wain about technology and if it's better for us, but I'll argue that you and I as kids lived lives more similar to your grandparents (we are probably sim age) than to kids of today in a number of ways and I am not convinced things are getting 'better'.

Especially now that we have technology that is largely becoming detrimental to society as a whole, social media, computers, cell take the good with the bad, but the bad is outpacing the good based on what I see.

People have more problems, lives are complicated, depression is at an all time high, life expectancy is going backwards, home prices are out of flippin' control....have we convinced ourselves that we are going the right direction? I'm not.

Longest living and happiest societies are those that live near or close to a turn of the century lifestyle, no screens, consistent light manual labor and simple lives.

All societies hit a stride at a certain point in time and eventually fail just look at history.....


His statement reminds me of this quote:

View attachment 811080
He was a bit shortsighted but for every Charles H. Duell in 1899 you had somebody in the 50/60's predicting we'd be driving nuclear cars, living in underwater cities and flying to Mars on a regular basis. I think we live MUCH more simply than anybody would of predicted 70 years ago...the one caveat are computers



Grumpy Old Man
Doubt is a powerful weapon . . .
especially well reasoned doubt (even if you don't agree with the reasoning).

Fortunately for us, previous generation didn’t suffer from such lack of imagination. I’m an X that “believes” little of anything, but was mostly raised by depression era Grandparents that would be an absolute ray of sunshine compared to today’s Americans.
It's not lack of imagination. It's lack of trust in our leaders.
I'm from the Vietnam/Woodstock generation; I don't blindly believe anything that has our governments stamp of approval. I will research things that are important to me and make my own decisions.

As to Ev's in general and Cybertruck in particular, two reasons (other than government distrust) that they don't work for me:
Cost. I can't afford a new or used Hybrid or EV.
Utility. The current crop of EVs don't do what is important to me (and do a couple of things I dislike).
especially well reasoned doubt (even if you don't agree with the reasoning).

It's not lack of imagination. It's lack of trust in our leaders.
I'm from the Vietnam/Woodstock generation; I don't blindly believe anything that has our governments stamp of approval. I will research things that are important to me and make my own decisions.

As to Ev's in general and Cybertruck in particular, two reasons (other than government distrust) that they don't work for me:
Cost. I can't afford a new or used Hybrid or EV.
Utility. The current crop of EVs don't do what is important to me (and do a couple of things I dislike).
If I may go a little further out on the limb. I’m going to guess there are some things the government has done that you do agree with, because it falls in line with your beliefs.

As you know, our government is made up of our fellow citizens, and just because a scientific organization is funded by tax payer money it’s not trustworthy? If you find Exxon or BP to be a more trustworthy source, I don’t know.
Pragmatism is too. Anybody can wax and wain about technology and if it's better for us, but I'll argue that you and I as kids lived lives more similar to your grandparents (we are probably sim age) than to kids of today in a number of ways and I am not convinced things are getting 'better'.

Especially now that we have technology that is largely becoming detrimental to society as a whole, social media, computers, cell take the good with the bad, but the bad is outpacing the good based on what I see.

People have more problems, lives are complicated, depression is at an all time high, life expectancy is going backwards, home prices are out of flippin' control....have we convinced ourselves that we are going the right direction? I'm not.

Longest living and happiest societies are those that live near or close to a turn of the century lifestyle, no screens, consistent light manual labor and simple lives.

All societies hit a stride at a certain point in time and eventually fail just look at history.....
A pragmatist would look at the data and the scientific consensus and at least hedge. Long lived and happy societies probably also want to be sure of their children’s future.

I understand where you’re coming from, but so much of it can be turned off. Sometimes I feel perhaps it’s intentional noise to keep us busy and fighting with each other. Something Steve Bannon said a few years ago stuck with me “flood the zone with (poop*)”

We are easily distracted, fiercely tribal and the thought of scarcity can make us viscous.

I don’t put much trust in church or state but I do trust science.

*he didn’t say poop but apparently you can’t even spell it with a “!” here.
You are driving a gas burner- which is fine, no problem here, but if you believe the claims you make you’d adjust your lifestyle to fit what EVs are available- until then you are making the same choice as the rest of us.
Only 100%, heck of a purity test. Is this a metric you often use or just for those you disagree with?

Can I squeak by if I tell you it’s five years old and only has 30k miles? I’d really appreciate your approval.


Well-known member
Which, unfortunately, Chevy killed off. I guess it was more a move away from sedans in general than the Volt specifically

The Volt just wasn't a good car IMHO. We crossed shopped the 2nd gen Volt when we were looking at Bolts back in September and it took about 30 seconds of sitting in it before my wife and I were both like, NOPE! The interior just was not well laid out.

The Bolt was 10x better despite being a smaller car on the outside. And thats what we drove home.

Where were you towing? I'm just curious. My buddy was pulling a 3500 camper on a trip through Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada with his Rivian. He said it towed great but the range was often below 100 miles. His other big complaint was a lot of fast charging stations aren't set up for people with trailers which meant he would have block traffic flow in parking lots. He has since sold the Rivian and bought a Frontier.

I live in Utah and we boondock a lot and an electric truck simply isnt an option. Last trip we did was 98 miles without passing a gas station, never mind a charger, to get into our campsite. Even my F150 with a 36 gallon tank was running pretty low by the time I drove in, drove around all weekend and drove back out.


A pragmatist would look at the data and the scientific consensus and at least hedge. Long lived and happy societies probably also want to be sure of their children’s future.

I understand where you’re coming from, but so much of it can be turned off. Sometimes I feel perhaps it’s intentional noise to keep us busy and fighting with each other. Something Steve Bannon said a few years ago stuck with me “flood the zone with (poop*)”

We are easily distracted, fiercely tribal and the thought of scarcity can make us viscous.

I don’t put much trust in church or state but I do trust science.

*he didn’t say poop but apparently you can’t even spell it with a “!” here.
I trust science too - there is a big body of evidence that says screen time, stress and socially distant lifestyle is not good for our health....let alone how we eat and our relationship with "fitness" (the lack of or the abuse of) these days. I guess it really depends on how you define expectancy? Happiness? Fueling narcissistic behavior? Filling a void in your (our) lives in unnatural ways? A lot of the tech leaps we've seen don't always move the needle in the right direction depending on perspective.

I think the best thing we can do for our children, which I don't have so who am I to say, is to try and turn the clock back 30 years and live more simply, more kind, foster community, drive education, focus on alternative career paths than just college (aka vocational programs) and not get stuck on the latest gadget....AND drop screen time by 95%. Getting those things right I think would do more for society as a whole....maybe new tech can help, but tech also leverages and takes advantage of our natural tendencies...fine line.


Well-known member
If I may go a little further out on the limb. I’m going to guess there are some things the government has done that you do agree with, because it falls in line with your beliefs.

As you know, our government is made up of our fellow citizens, and just because a scientific organization is funded by tax payer money it’s not trustworthy? If you find Exxon or BP to be a more trustworthy source, I don’t know.

Exxon and BP are of course not more trustworthy than our government. They also are not less trustworthy. One must see what they are and know they have an aim, and look at what they say with a jaundiced eye.

Both the government and big business will lie to your face, flat out, for thier gain. That includes any President and any CEO.

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