Sportsmobile Sprinter 4x4


I blame Mercedes-Benz for not letting us have 4x4 Sprinters. I understand the certification costs involved that would prohibit an OEM offering, but not letting their vendors sell here as an aftermarket conversion is frustrating.

If they were planning to sell their version, I'd be happy, but instead it looks just like liability worries.


There are aftermarket providers of 4x4 capability for the sprinter in the US. The price is high, but it can be done.

I'm sure that MBZ is doing a simple cost/benefit analysis and concluding that US demand for the OEM 4x4 setup is not strong enough to fully offset the costs of gaining US market access.

I'm also pretty sure that will change over time. The R&D is spent and the production capability for 4x4 sprinters is already in place. As this sort of recreation grows in the US, the cost/benefit trade offs will look favorable and we'll get the 4x4 option. This vehicle is a perfect fit for baby boomers with some accumulated wealth heading into full or quasi retirement. That wave is just beginning. Give it a bit more time.


Expedition Leader
There are aftermarket providers of 4x4 capability for the sprinter in the US. The price is high, but it can be done.
Perhaps you could help me, and all the many interested Portal members, by posting up links to the websites of the companies we can go to next week to get a 4x4 Sprinter made. I consider myself something of an expert on the topic and I know of no one who will currently build you a U.S.-legal 4x4 conversion, so your information will be very useful.


Perhaps you could help me, and all the many interested Portal members, by posting up links to the websites of the companies we can go to next week to get a 4x4 Sprinter made. I consider myself something of an expert on the topic and I know of no one who will currently build you a U.S.-legal 4x4 conversion, so your information will be very useful.

Ugh. I wish I had photos of the solid axle converted Sportsmobile Sprinter that I have seen twice in the last two years in Saline Valley, Ca. I can't remember but I think it might have been a Salem-Kroger prototype. The guy that owned it said that it was a new system and they were working out the kinks. It doesn't sit up high enough for my taste but none the less, it is 4wheel drive and does have a solid axle.


Expedition Leader
Ugh. I wish I had photos of the solid axle converted Sportsmobile Sprinter that I have seen twice in the last two years in Saline Valley, Ca. I can't remember but I think it might have been a Salem-Kroger prototype. The guy that owned it said that it was a new system and they were working out the kinks. It doesn't sit up high enough for my taste but none the less, it is 4wheel drive and does have a solid axle.
Sorry that I phrased that poorly. I didn't mean to imply that there weren't 4x4 Sprinters made out of American truck parts--and, yes, Salem-Kroger has done several--only that I didn't think that anyone would currently contract with an individual to convert one. Salem-Kroger does a lot of government and fleet work and I had it in my head that these were their chosen customer.

So I have absolutely no doubt that you've seen a Salem-Kroger prototype conversion, and I also believe, based on a 9/2/10 Topix post from Jerry Arbini, that Salem-Kroger are still doing them in batches for different agencies. I just didn't think that as an individual I could go in, hand them money, and get a conversion.

Guess I'll call tomorrow and find out.


Expedition Leader
Guess I'll call tomorrow and find out.
Here's the information from the Salem-Kroger website:


So, I call the numbers at the top and, for both, get a phone-company message that the number is unavailable.

Someone else want to give it a try or, alternately, anyone know what's up?


"Because it is a Mercedes 4x4 it is absolute luxury inside..."

Apparently the copywriter has never seen a Sprinter interior as provided by Mercedes.


New member
There is no question about, Salem Kroger operation, it is either closed for winter, out of business or way too busy to answer e-mails and or phones. I been trying to get a hold of them for some time, and no luck.

I am with you, mhiscox, there is no way to get a 4x4 sprinter this side of atlantic. Money or no money, its all a dream.

Personally, I think there are either some back room deals between manufactures and or government to restrict competition and protect GM, Ford and the other one, or just simply, its just a form of punishment for swallowing too many “Mac-vehicles” over the years.

Here is an idea for Sportsmobile. Why don’t they advertise, sign up from their extensive customer base, perhaps even get a deposit and order on mass, 10, 20, 50, 100 or whatever the number, of these 4x4 sprinters into NA on special order. Surely, there is a market for these vehicles and a large order will talk. (As opposed to individuals like myself barking and begging the MB deals) somebody, somewhere will have to notice. How about it SM? I know it would be profitable venture. Just looking at the vw syncro crowd at “TheSamba”, and other related Sprinter sites, tells me there is money to be made and dreams to fulfill.
How about it SM?



New member
I am counting on you.
I will be in Vagas mid February for about a week, are you anywhere close??


Personally, I think there are either some back room deals between manufactures and or government to restrict competition and protect GM, Ford and the other one, or just simply, its just a form of punishment for swallowing too many “Mac-vehicles” over the years.

Given that Sprinters are light trucks, they fall under the "chicken tax" 25% tariff - "a policy in search of a rationale".


sprinter 4x4

I have never driven or even stepped inside a spirnter

Any one have FIRST HAND
experiance driving a Sprinter 4x4 vs a Ford E350 4x4?

How about FIRST HAND "drivablity" ??



I have a larger rig in my future, in about a year
I am sold on the "walk thru"

Limited Choices:
Tiger or Sprinter

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