Did a longer drive with the FWB connected. Some issues came up.
At random intervals, I would get 544F, which is speed sensor or wiring faulty. Sometimes it took 5 minutes, sometimes 20. it didn't seem to matter what speed I was going. Clearing the code resumed normal operation. Of course that requires the van to be going less than 30mph. When the dash lights illuminated, there was no other odd behavior, just sudden lights and no cruise.
One time I also got a 548F code. This is a generic error for "Unshielded electromagnetic equipment may cause interference." Which is not terribly helpful.
Other than the codes, everything operated completely normally until they appeared. It looks like I need to get my Oscope connected, and start driving with it on my dash.
I see three possible causes.
1 The FWB is doing something crazy, and outputting ridiculous noise.
2 The output signal is in some way not compatible with the ESP modules check routines
3 The ESP module runs some kind of check (12v pulse or something) at a random internal, or at some condition I don't yet know.
I will get the scope on it, and If I can't spot the cause (it may happen to quickly for me to notice). I will try lowering the output voltage to less than 3V. The last time I was getting these codes, I had the voltage too high. I will also review the code, to see what happens in a fault condition.