Engineer In Residence
I haven been slowly working on the FWB. I was fighting a couple different issues that were masking each other. My first issue was a bug in the program, that would cause random low writes during the cycle. The second was a DC offset that was building in the input low-pass filter. This caused the votlage from the filter to drop with speed, eventually dropping to low for the op-amps to pick up. Someone suggested I try a pull down resistor parallel to D1/D2. This did the trick, and the duty cycle of the filtered output is stable regardless of speed. I am not certain it was the cause of some of the codes, but I swapped the output of the FWB to a differentiator circuit on a suggestion. This produces positive and negative output (approximately a square wave). The ESP module is just looking for zero crossings, so this keeps it happy.
I did a test drive today. No codes, no weird stuff on the scope, no ABS activation, etc. The most recent schematic is attached (ignore the Ver 1.0 on the header, I forgot to change that), this is Rev 1.5.

I did a test drive today. No codes, no weird stuff on the scope, no ABS activation, etc. The most recent schematic is attached (ignore the Ver 1.0 on the header, I forgot to change that), this is Rev 1.5.