blue dog


As with any company dealing with the public, eventually there will be a unhappy customer, and as a consumer, you too will eventually have a bad experience with a manufacturer, it is a numbers game, just like life.
Hopefully Alcan is aware of the problem and is willing to work with the customer, either refund or rebuild and ship a new set of springs, then the customer will be happy, Alcan will have done the right thing and all can go there own way. Really, a set of custom springs run what a grand or less, at this point, i would just rebuild the springs and send em out on my dime and be done with it.
I am not bashing Alcan as i have never used them being that Deaver is 25 minutes from me, but if for some reason i was closer and i needed springs, i would not hesitate to call them and order a set of leafs for my exact application.
Hopefully this gets resolved, i feel for both parties.


Think'n with me dipstick!
I will tell you personally that some of my customers are unhappy with me. But of course, I deliver fuel so they are unhappy with the price they are paying ;)

I think the OP needs to at least get a refund. But, saying that just adds to the beating that that poor dead horse has been receiving since the first page....


Well one forum closed this thread citing "what little purpose there was has been served." a good move IMO. I think one who reads through all of these combined pages will be able to pick out the truth and come to their own conclusions about Alcan.

I was surprised to learn that when the OP ordered his springs, he hadn't even seen the Toyota they were meant to fit, and that he had no actual weight readings, nor did he take close up pics showing that these (Alcan) springs were ever fitted to it.

Springs ordered over the phone, for a truck that he'd never even seen, and had no actual weight readings for... What could possibly go wrong?

I Leak Oil

Expedition Leader
OK, so in the interest of sharing information (that's what this thread is about right?) what other site was this posted on that it was shut down?


American Adventurist
OK, so in the interest of sharing information (that's what this thread is about right?) what other site was this posted on that it was shut down?

IH8MUD. 215 posts... maybe that's the magic number for Expo to figure out that "what little purpose there was has been served."


American Adventurist
Is ALCAN a sponsor on mud? Just sayin

No. Woody, the forum owner is a pretty level-headed guy. The quote I gave earlier was from him... the purpose has been served. Now we've beaten the dead horse to the point that it can be canned and sold as dog food - a point so many others have already observed.

I Leak Oil

Expedition Leader
Thats why I put a question mark there.. If they do that would obviously show bias at getting the thread shut down. Only oil leaker can ask questions.

Perhaps you meant "just asking" instead of "just sayin"...That would be the difference between asking a question vs. implying that the sponsor is getting some sort of special treatment with out any proof. I don't think it would be an obvious show of bias after 215 posts. To me that would be obvious that the board admins let it run it's course and then decided it no longer had any value. If they were trying to protect a sponsor they would have shut it down and possibly outright deleted it much sooner.
Just sayin...
After spending a good half hour reading the whole thread, what I got out of it is.

1. there are some HARDCORE Alcan supporters

2. if it's your first post, don't be negative?

3. OP is out $$ and has no product but something it's ok.

If I were in OP's situation, I'd do the samething. Post on all sorts of forum and use social media to get some results.
After all using the social media is the only thing we(individuals) can do(other than what OP has already done).

To Akcreeker,

Which method of payment did you use? Paypal, Credit card or cash?
If you used your credit card/debit/paypal, there are otherways to get your money back.

Quick edit : is 39 posts enough for some of you guys..?
Last edited:


Resident **************
Slinging mud on the internet is rarely an effective solution. I'd contact the local BBB if you really want to pursue it.

Here's a thread I started on Pirate a few years back regarding my POS Weld wheels.

Not sure what happened to the pics in that thread, I still have the pics if any one is running Weld wheels and wants to see them...for what good it will do. I posted that thread all over the internet, then sent the guy at Weld that I was dealing with the links to all the threads. In the end, I got nothing from Weld...I got a little frustration out of my system for slinging mud on the 'net. BTW, the Ultra wheels that I replaced the Welds with were migrated over to my '06, never had an issue with them.

Using post counts to determine knowledge is stupid...coming on a forum for the first post ever and bashing what is generally a respected company will put others on the defensive immediately.


Given that post #1 was the OP's very first post here, and in view of the abusive nature of that post, it came across as trolling, it still does!

The last few pages on the other forum contained some highly interesting and valid points which the OP has never addressed, and I believe that this may have contributed to the thread closure.

I consider that the OP has damaged his own credibility, rather than that of Alcan!


Ive read about 75% of the post here and I'm going to throw in my opinion.

Alcan didn't ask all the needed info or some how it wasn't all there to build the springs, maybe the OP had wrong calculations. It happens either way, and yes he should have called but I'm assume he thought they would get them and have talked about issues so they can fix faster.

If I were Alcan, I would see if I can make these leafs work or say oops let's write this off and fix this guy right so he had what he needs. If they were willing to fix it even with a mess up with what was actually need, I bet OP would have actually told others about how good they were to him.

It seems people who have something to lose in retail money wise, don't want to suck it up after a mistake. Communication and understanding goes a long way even with bad blood.

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