Seriously? I really appreciated your predicament and thought perhaps a little slack could have been extended to you, but now you resort to extortion to get your way?
Nothing like threatening a vendor with the old "forum shakedown" to get what you feel you deserve. I doubt you will hear back.
I respectfully disagree.
It seems like he has been dealing with this since April with no resolution. I think he has given Alcan ample time to respond and rectify the situation. If what he is saying is true and the only reason that Alcan isn't fixing the problem is because he didn't call before he shipped the springs back then I think he has every right to let people know about his experience and I appreciate the heads up as I am in the market for springs.
If Alcan would comment as to if this is the correct story or at least give their side of the story then we can make an educated decision on whether we would do business with them in the future.
If what the OP is saying is in fact true then I can understand why he is livid. Alcan has to know that if you treat somebody right they will tell a couple of their closest buddies, if you screw somebody they'll tell everybody that'll listen
Still hope this issue gets resolved and would love to hear the other half of the story