Muy Bueno :victory:!! Donde esta Cabron? Cuanto tiempo, tres semanas?
I was standing right here: 18°10'37.37"N 63° 8'52.22"W
You've been spending too much time in Mexico
Muy Bueno :victory:!! Donde esta Cabron? Cuanto tiempo, tres semanas?
another from a little further north, definitely cooler climate today too
Didn't quite catch the bird on my laptop's screen at work- then I looked at it on the imac at home. Wow- a beautiful, evocative picture ! Nice work Brad.
Brad, that sky in your latest shot is f-ing amazing!!
Cindy and I were sitting out at the Tiki Bar in our back yard just in awe the way the sky looked like some sort explosion had gone off
Nature has a way to keep me impressed with the end of each day