Super cheapo van build, it's my fourth E350...


Expedition goofball
I had the crew at 5 star write three custom tunes.
1- bone stock w/ altered tq convertor lock up points.
2- 60hp tune w/ same tq setup.
3- 80hp tune w/ same tq setup.

After the 700 mile trip I am very impressed with the way the van has come to life.
Lower temps.
Faster and crispy shifts.
Tq convertor lock up is 4 mph lower so cruising at 45 mph is easier.
The power is smoother and addictive, hitting 55 mph was so effortlessly it almost seems like ****** was Ford thinking when they DE-tuned the vans...
And of course the mpg!
I was able to cruise at 62 mph VS 58 and get a solid 3 mpg better.
Ill try to give more details as time allows.


Expedition Leader
As far as mpgs go, if it's not hand calculated pay no attention to it. The on board mileage meters are notoriously inaccurate after tuning. My 6.4 PSD reads about 23.something at the moment. It couldn't get that kind of mileage if I put it in neutral and shoved it out of the space shuttle.


Expedition goofball
Oh, it's accurate.
Checked many times.
Besides if #s were off than it wouldn't be possible to drive 630+ miles on a single tank.
I love my 7.3!
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Expedition goofball
Even though the trucklite 5X7 LED headlights are amazing they have a short coming. In rain on asphalt paved roads (black streets) they are (like) adsorbed and don't light enough up to see properly.
SO... Hella 700FF all mounted and to the rescue when needed.

I just have to respray the bumper again, looking kinda odd with the wrong paint for the light covers. (Flatblack preferred )



While they aren't some super duper I've been happy with the performance over the years.


So those headlights are a success??
I'd like to up grade mine, but $400 seems a bit steep.
No longer super cheapo!
I do think I would appreciate better lighting.


Expedition goofball
An amazing improvement over the sealed beam hologen bulbs. But needed a little help in one circumstance.


What mpg are you seeing, I know you said 3 mpg better. What do you average now? Thanks for the updates, its great to see what people are doing.


Expedition goofball
After getting the tunes from 5Star, the van was averaging an even 20.0 at hwy speeds, with lots of strong wind, rain and weather related traffic slow downs.
Before it was 17 hwy.

I used to get 21.5 city back in Jacksonville... but I haven't been back since the tunes.
(Keep in mind the van has 4.10 gears)


Expedition goofball
Interior prep and build time...
Started with coating all of the wood with linseed oil to help against moisture.
The plans are to build a 7ft x 30in bed/ storage box and then a box to house the two AGM batteries, EsparD4 and fridge.

Prep work mostly today hopefully cutting and building tomorrow.


Expedition goofball
I'll post more pictures up soon of the completed bed and triple reason storage box. I'll have to clean up the van first.

But on a different note...
Someone please educate me.
Can someone please explain how a dual alternator dual starting batteries 7.3 electrical system works? What am I actually looking for is when do both alternators run and when do both batteries get charged or they independent are they together as a parallel or in series just one alternator run or both depending on the draw does the lower alternator used frequently.

I need some help with this
I'm considering splitting the system. What I think I might do if possible, using the lower alternator to power the house batteries independently from the rest of the van.

The other option I have is I already bought a blue seas ACR. Its a automatic charging relay that will let the starting batteries get charged first once they go to float the relay switches over to the house batteries until they get full then goes back to the starting batteries for the rest of the ride unless it notice is the house batteries are low again. I'm pretty sure that's the best option but I wanted to explore all available options.

I really appreciate everybody's help thank you so much


Expedition goofball
CrabbyMcNab, thank you for the pair of very great condition front seats. They are a huge improvement.

Also a thank you to ebg18t for the fridge, I am happy.

Thank you Kiddmen57 for getting the radio bracket out so fast! I'm still looking for a place to put it...

Adam, I think you're a member here, thanks for the turn signals lenses.

And everyone else who has and will input on my van/thread/questions/etc etc...


Expedition goofball
So much for an easy day...
I was going to swap out the rear non window doors for Doors with pop out windows.
I first had to take out the fixed glass and replace it with the pop out glass which I've done in the past many times without a problem. So I switch the glass... I start with the driver's side to only find out the locking mechanism isn't working properly. Then I realize the cables are broken. And I don't have rivets large enough to take to handle assembly off because the head of the assembly is broken inside the door too. And I don't have rivets large enough to take to handle assembly off because they handle it assembly it is broken inside the door also.
So I realize I spent money on a piece of junk that well I threw away. Also while taking off the pop out glass off the door that's junk I broke the pop out glass.
Great... after vacuuming the glass and putting the org door back on I realized I'm back where I started.

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