Yea fine. Even draining the battery 100% - IF it's a deep cycle - should get you 300-500 full/dead/full cycles. That's plenty for what you're doing. I'd recommend a Battery MINDEr (not "tender") desulfator for when home charging.
Size the fuse to protect the wire. #14 wire, 15a fuse. #12, 20a. Of course you can always use a fuse rated less than the wire, so a 15a fuse will probably be all you need.
Haven't looked at that conversion formula, but RC is usually measured with a 25a load, while AH is whatever load will drain the battery in 20 hours (if meauring @20hr rate)...or 10 hours if they are measuring @10hr rate. So say a 100ah battery, a 5a load will drain it in 20hrs. The important factor is Peukert, so a 25a load (RC) will result in less overall battery capacity than a 5a (AH) load. Thus, a straight conversion formula might be a handy rule of thumb, but might deviate quite a bit depending on battery size.
Note that while all batteries can be measured in terms of cranking amps, cold cranking amps, reserve capacity and amp*hours...which numbers the manufacturer chooses to publish is often a pretty clear indication of the battery's purpose. If it's a cranking battery, they'll list the CA, CCA, and RC, but not the AH. For a deep cycle, they'll list the AH but not the others.
Buy a deep cycle for what you are doing.