Supplement Question: Aerobic and Anaerobic


I did the body for life program a few years back. I went from 22% body fat to 7% in three months by doing these few things:

Eat 6 small health meals a day. I use shakes or bars for mid meals

Wieghts Mon/Wed/Fri no longer then an hour. Followed lifting plan

Cardio Tues/Thurs/Sat for 20 min (interval)

Sunday Pizza and oatmeal chocolate cookies.

It was hard eating 6 meals at first then after a week, I was hungry every two to three hours.

During that time, I was unstopable. I had tons of energy and endurance. I was in better shape then when I wrestled in college. Now I think about it, I need to pull that book out and start again.



SE Expedition Society
Sounds like propaganda.
Estrogenic side effects are well documented; watch your wheat intake too.
When I was serious about all this, I was grinding oats to make oatmeal pancakes, eating eggwhites all the time, grapefruit, etc.
Orange roughy twice a week, top round twice a week, broccoli, string beans, yams, spinach, kale, chicken breast, turkey, chicken breast, beans and rice on the non workout day.
It was hard work to eat enough even though I was as lean as an anatomy chart.

Scott Brady

Thanks again for all of the advice. The most difficult realization is that my body does not recover as well in my 30s as it did when I was 18 ;)

Jeremy and I could not straighten our arms out fully without serious pain for about two days after the arm workout. I am walking like an 80yo this morning from the leg workout.

No pain, no gain :smilies27


Expedition Leader
I guess here's as good a place as any to ask since you brought it up. I'm shifting my program from mostly cardio to more weight lifting since I'm sneaking up on my weight target. My goal is actual *performance* in outdoor activities rather than achieving some body shape. I've got my cardio up to the point that I can run for 30 minutes with my heart rate above 160, with peaks to 180. But the weights... just aren't going as well as when I was younger. I can do 3 sets of 12 reps of weight, using weights that I can't finish the last set but... I'm not sore the next day. Like I'm not doing any damage. I don't know if it's lack of energy from food, or what.


Estrogenic side effects are well documented; watch your wheat intake too.

After this was brought up I searched for some credible documentation to support these claims and found nothing. Can you point me in the right direction (a link would be great) so I can read more about it.
I have a lot of soy in my diet, so I'm very interested.


SE Expedition Society

The research is ongoing; try to google Phytoestrogen Genistein.
Plenty of anecdotal stuff in the bodybuilding community, including my own personal observations and those of my former chiropractor/work-out buddy.

Thanks again for all of the advice. The most difficult realization is that my body does not recover as well in my 30s as it did when I was 18 ;)

Jeremy and I could not straighten our arms out fully without serious pain for about two days after the arm workout. I am walking like an 80yo this morning from the leg workout.

No pain, no gain :smilies27
Wait 'til you're pushing 50, dude.
I really wish the doctors would've discovered my heart disease earlier; even with it, I was working out with the young players on the Georgia Force and challenging them.
Then I sorta died one day. But I came back; that was a strong testimonial to my years of rigorous training.

Bouncing back is more challenging than I can handle sometimes though.
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Expedition Leader
...Jeremy and I could not straighten our arms out fully without serious pain for about two days after the arm workout...

Make sure you stretch after you warm up. If you try to bend cold plastic, it will break. It will bend easier after it warms up. Same with your body.

However, the most important time to stretch is after you work out. I cannot stress this enough.


Expedition Leader
Scott, adding in yoga and pilates did more for my overall fitness level and ability to recover faster than anything else I have done.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Thanks again for all of the advice. The most difficult realization is that my body does not recover as well in my 30s as it did when I was 18 ;)

Some of the best things for recovery are the most strait forward. Guys are always looking for blender potions and magic bullets when often the best solution is often as simple as proper hydration, optimal diet, good rest, etc. I'm always suspect of anyone who advises anyone take this or do that. It ideally starts with better understanding your own nutritional landscape and how your needs fit into it. Once you figure out what your nutritional plan is, you can then figure out how to supplement that plan with these various non-foods.


Free range / grass fed meats
Free range eggs
Raw milk (cow or goat), butter and cheese if you can source them
In season organic fruits and veggies
Sprouted grains
Cod Liver Oil
Lots of coconut oil, cook with it, supplement with it
Fermented foods; pickles, kimchi, kombucha, kefir, yogurt

I know this all sounds extreme, but I have come full circle from the days of eating way too much processed food and every single supplement on the market. Honestly, if it was out there, I probably tried it. I did manage to go from a 160lb weakling to 225 and quite strong. I got away from it all for years but have been back to training and eating basically real foods, foods with life in them. My strength is back to respectable levels, and I recover so much faster from workouts. I no longer focus on being a meathead, just trying to stay strong and support my ability to perform outdoor activities well. The way I feel is truly remarkable though. I "fall off the wagon" for awhile and it becomes blatantly obvious. Back to eating properly and everything improves. No more mood swings, no more being tired in the afternoon, aches and pains dissipate, skin improves etc.
This may not be for everyone, and I'm sure the full fat approach will have a lot of people thinking I'm crazy. But, there is a ton of information out there that backs this up. There are quite a few people around me who eat like this consistently enough to see a huge difference.

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