Sure-Fire Ways to Improve Your Roof Top Tent


I have one on the way. Basically it is a 3/8" thick mesh weave that won't compress. It adds a bit of airflow under the mattress to reduce condensation collection, but more importantly keeps the moisture from direct contact with the cloth matress covering. And it is at least half the price of Hypervent or similar materials. Here is another discussion using Keene driwall screen as a moisture barrier ($120 option).
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It looks like an ordinary foam mat in the pictures. So it is really a woven construction?




some simple searching provided these...from this thread.


Woven....meaning has holes in it. Tough to see in the pics but was described this way on a FB post. I should have it next week to confirm and will post up some pics.


Woven....meaning has holes in it. Tough to see in the pics but was described this way on a FB post. I should have it next week to confirm and will post up some pics.

look at the pics i posted one post above yours...proof is in the pudding





some simple searching provided these...from this thread.

I took this pictures. I been using that mat for a while, in many different trips.
We are four sleeping in the tent and my experience is that the barrier reduce drastically the condensation but it not eliminate completely. I can still see the presence of the moisture but not as before. This mat produce a separation between the floor and the mattress so if any moisture is still present it will be not in contact direct with the mattress also.
If condensation is present, it can touch the mattress after you fold the tent by gravity. The moisture, who was on the bottom, now is on the top and it will drop on the mattress. To solve that problem, I add a layer of plastic between the mattress and the moisture mat, so it stops the moisture.
The mat adds a bit of weight, specially because my tent is big (Mt. McKinley)

This is my two cents.


some simple searching provided these...from this thread.

A click of the link to CVT provided this side view image of a green mat and it does not look woven at this angle. That could be because it was cut cleanly right along a vertical rib as seen in one of the pix of the gray mat. CVT does not have any better photos at their site. If the TacomaWorld pix that you reposted are indeed the same material that would be great.


Thornton Melon's Kid
When it was just the wife and I we didn't have the condensation problem but with the 3 year old heater in between us, we started getting some. I may pick some up.
anyone posted the dri z air beads in a sock trick?? can't find those pre-made, moisture wicking, dehumidifier bags anywhere local, so I consumed a can or 2 of brain rejuvinator...or beer as its commonly referred to, and came up with this idea. then to get a really good, bulk supply, used silica bead cat litter. Can hang them up, leave one in tent while folded, place under seats of truck.

Posted in "show us your tent" but, what does everyone do with the cover once tent is opened? We have the arb Simpson 3 and Im not a huge fan of the vinyl cover resting on the truck side.


anyone posted the dri z air beads in a sock trick?? can't find those pre-made, moisture wicking, dehumidifier bags anywhere local, so I consumed a can or 2 of brain rejuvinator...or beer as its commonly referred to, and came up with this idea. then to get a really good, bulk supply, used silica bead cat litter. Can hang them up, leave one in tent while folded, place under seats of truck.

Posted in "show us your tent" but, what does everyone do with the cover once tent is opened? We have the arb Simpson 3 and Im not a huge fan of the vinyl cover resting on the truck side.

For my cover I use a couple of bungee cords to loop under the cover and lift it up, sort of half folded.


It is indeed that woven material. Those of you with a CVT tent probably have a small piece of the same stuff as a ladder pad to protect the floor of your changing room.

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I talked with CVT and it is described just like it appears above in the pics of the grey mat. It is straight lines with zigzags between. It is not a solid pad. Mine is on the way and I will post up pics when I get it.

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