This thread needs a revival! On thing my wife bought ages ago was folding fabric storage boxes for dressers, so she could sort socks, underwear, or whatever mysterious goods that women feel they need to sort. However, the boxes were slightly too tall to fit in the drawers, and being the packrat I am, kept them just in case. Well this year I grabbed the biggest 2 and use them for in-RTT shoe boxes! Now your shoes can remain inside the RTT at night, no creepy crawlies and they contain the dirt. They fold flat when not in use and thus can stay inside the RTT. The ones I have use a diagonal zipper across the bottom to enable the fold, and I haven't been able to find another set like it. However these ones on Amazon are similar:
foldable fabric baskets. The other thing I use a smaller one for is a level spot to keep my contact lens case and contact lens solution bottle upright in the corner. Here is another one from