As Teotwaki stated, great thread. I don't have a RTT perse but it is close. Are these heaters safe inside? Where does the toxic gas go? How long is the burn time? On two recent trips some sort of heater inside would have been nice.
I also need some help, cough cough Jim, getting my lights hooked up. I have the same Ikea set up but the color changing ones. Definitely need to get them installed.
I can get you some cough drops!!
Anyhow..... we should talk on the phone about your setup. I'm guessing you want to end up with the 12volt cord something like mine, depending on how your truck is arranged

There is a thread somewhere here on tent heaters and I ended up buying a Mr. Heater "Little Buddy" at a great price through Gander Mountain. With the propane heaters the need for venting is critical, both for oxygen and to vent the moisture byproducts. I've only run mine to pre-heat the tent for the family before sacking out or before getting up. I just strapped it to one of the vertical supports to keep it from tipping or touching things.