Sure-Fire Ways to Improve Your Roof Top Tent


Thse are pretty neat. My cinch straps on my Mombasas started slipping a lot a couple years ago. Last summer I just put some new Velcro on it. But that is the benefit of knowing an upholster. I picked up an industrial sewing machine last year but I haven't gotten it sorted out yet. They work great once again.

Ya that could work too. After mine failing in such a short time I wanted something different. Also at $15 cnd hard to go wrong


Added some stainless steel tie downs for when the tent is unfolded, Amazon for $5

If the bolts can rub your cover, you should flip the hardware or add the acorn covers.


This is brilliant. My rack is SUPER tight to my roof, so having the hardware higher up like this will really make it easy to install. I currently have my rack and tent off to transfer to my current project when it is done so great timing on finding this tip, thanks!!

Glad it helped someone.

If I could get a few more rtt rail inserts I would install the remaining 2 clamps I have sitting on the workbench. Anyone have some they're not using?


If the bolts can rub your cover, you should flip the hardware or add the acorn covers.

I added the same type of fitting a few years back and have not had any issues with rubbing. Those things make great anchor points for windy days and also a handy place to hang things to dry, lanterns or whatever needs a secure place to hook on to.



I had my trailer on the White Rim trail and there were some crazy high winds. Because I was parked on a rocky shelf and couldn't drive stakes in I ended up filling a 5 gallon bucket with rocks and hanging it from the D-loop.

In this picture you can see how the RTT is being whacked by the air pressure. The silver 5 Gallon bucket is almost touching the ground to the right of the ladder.

Exploring with the Expedition Trailer in South East Utah


New member
Just purchased our first RTT (Tepui Autana 3). Stoked to pick it up. Some great ideas in this thread. Question: Should I just go ahead and get the anti-condensation mat? We've got a big trip planned soon, and I want my wife to be glad she let me pull the trigger on this...


Just purchased our first RTT (Tepui Autana 3). Stoked to pick it up. Some great ideas in this thread. Question: Should I just go ahead and get the anti-condensation mat? We've got a big trip planned soon, and I want my wife to be glad she let me pull the trigger on this...

Depends. I live in desert area and have never had a problem because its very dry. Never needed one. In moister climates could be a different story as others have documented. depending where you live and use the RTT I would try it out first, second third...


New member
I ended up putting thin yoga mats with double-sided tape under the mattress. So far I only saw condensation on those aluminum parts where two halves of the floor come together. Though I have not camped in a really cold weather (39F, +4C minimum).20180519_073832.jpg


I ended up putting thin yoga mats with double-sided tape under the mattress. So far I only saw condensation on those aluminum parts where two halves of the floor come together. Though I have not camped in a really cold weather (39F, +4C minimum).View attachment 451717
Hard to tell in your pic, but do the yoga mats have thousands of holes in them? If not, you really arent doing anything to prevent condensation. if they do not have holes in them, get crazy with a drill or sharp pencil and make a bunch of holes in the mats to allow air to get in there and evaporate the water.

All the condensation mats do is create a space between the mattress and the metal floor of the tent, for water to evaporate.

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