Sure-Fire Ways to Improve Your Roof Top Tent


Well-known member
I like the straps for rolling up the cover when the tent is open, I usually cram mine into the bed to keep it out of the way and prevent it from flapping in the wind but this is a cleaner solution.

While I retail a few different RTT models and have owned a half dozen myself... I'm thoroughly convinced that RTT's are excellent for some and not so great for others, in fact outright impractical for some. If your still debating the merits of a RTT for you needs, this might help:
Is a Roof Top Tent for me? The RTT Conundrum

I really didn't mean to sound so negative about the RTTs. That's a very good outline of the pros and cons of these units. I understand the business aspects of the industry, not as well as you, but pretty well as a limted market luxury.

For me personally, I like the idea, just not up in the air as high as they are usually mounted. Personally, I'm thinking of going much lower on a trailer, so that you can back up and with a little hop, sit on the edge and get in. About where a tailgate would be on a standard truck bed.

It's the cost that I really had objection to for what there was there. You addressed that somewhat with limited markets, the marketing chain touching the item and fabrication which is probably labor intensive. While from a business aspect I would probably not be a retailer unless I obtained at least a 50% margin considering that inventory (if required) would be slow to turn over. However, fabrication of these or similar units would not be rocket science, from this thread we see many aspects of design that have been missed, perhaps internal wiring for one thing. So if you were to manufature a nice unit and cut out the marketing chain, prices could be much lower.

There seems to be several tents on the market, REI, MSR, etc., that could be adapted to a manufactured platform.

As to customized improvements mentioned here, I would think for a couple grand + that more would be provided. Just some thoughts;

Internal wiring for lighting packages
Shore power through conection, newer tents have these access openings
Pop ups with power vent fans
Under floor storage with access from inside (would raise platform requirements)
Speaking of under floor, the area that folds out beyond the vehicle, could be beefed up to hang a heater/air unit and duct to a floor opening. Especially with larger units with usable floor space that is not taken up with bedding.
An inflatable cushion, like used on the rear window of a slide in camper, around the base of the unit to the vehicle roof or trailer lid would keep wind from lifting the unit, keep it cooler or warmer.
Another item might be attachable boxes or tubes to the lower decking for storage. A rack on top of the unit would provide underneath attachments for all kinds of accessories.

Do they have a hard poly type wedges, like those used to put a vehicle up for an oil change? Several wedges in various sizes that could lock together
would be nice to level the vehicle. Sometimes it's a pain to find the right size rock or fallen log, as I have done for a travel trailer. I think they have them for motorhomes, but smaller. Don't know, maybe those arch style jacks would work on a trailer if they had a good footprint and could be stablized...



Youngunner, thanks for the mention of our Tent Accessories. If there are any questions I'm around, on some custom sizes available.


I keep seeing the refrain that RTTs are too expensive for what they are. As a counterpoint, a simpler but high quality mountaineering tent is almost $600.

It would take quite a bit of effort to adapt one to a roof or trailer top. Starting with a cheaper Coleman tent would be not be a great path to take.

The camping Labs large RTT is $1050, mechanically more complex, roomier, comes with the memory foam pad and a ladder and other features. To me that is not too expensive when taken in context.

Much is also made of the "Cool factor" by people that don't own RTTs. I'd counter that not having a tent on uneven or rocky ground, the mud, the slushy snow, the scorpions and so on is way more than just cool. :elkgrin:


I added a Bunk Outlet (electric guitar style 12 volt outlet) and ran it to a clipsal polarized plug inside the vehicle. I use a Fleetwood bunk light with a fan that clips onto the tent pole on front of the window.

It works wonders.



Bunk outlet

Clipsal Polarized plug.


BEN.... What fan is that and Where did you get it.



Thanks for the info Rich.
My Colman 4 D cell fan came today, I am going to check it out after dinner.

If it is not up to the task, I may go the route Mike went and splice into the light wiring.
Speaking of that Maggiolina light...
I wonder if a better bulb or some type of LED setup can go in the same mount, or if you have to change the whole thing out.

Was wondering how that fan worked out for you. How long did it run before the batteries died? Would it move allot of air or was it just a slight breeze? Thanks.


OverCamping Specialist
Was wondering how that fan worked out for you. How long did it run before the batteries died? Would it move allot of air or was it just a slight breeze? Thanks.
Have only tested it in my home, but it works great.
Not so much a breeze on low, but on high it works pretty good.

Going to be late this year filed testing new gear, I sustained a leg/knee injury a short time back, and I have to heal more before I can get out.
Might not be until July before I get out.

I ran across this guy's Defender for sale here, and I saw a very cool setup in his Maggiolina tent.

I would be interested if there is a light housing that would bolt right into the existing mounts for the stock Maggiolina light.
LEDs are much more efficient at conserving energy.


Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
...LEDs are much more efficient at conserving energy.

Beginning with our next shipment - which is due next month - all Maggiolinas will be equipped with a high output LED overhead light. Yes, I ordered a few extra for people who want to change over from the current light...


OverCamping Specialist
Beginning with our next shipment - which is due next month - all Maggiolinas will be equipped with a high output LED overhead light. Yes, I ordered a few extra for people who want to change over from the current light...
Cool Mike, do you have a picture of it?
I take it is plug & play for the fixture I have now?


Youngunner, thanks for the mention of our Tent Accessories. If there are any questions I'm around, on some custom sizes available.

The hanging organizer is great. I've been using a couple of hanging closet organizers with mine , but I like yours much better... it matches :D


OverCamping Specialist
The product that we sell is not at all the same as the Masonry Matt product. It is similar to the dry mesh product from the UK and and is made in Europe.

We have now located a USA supplier and are working with samples to determine whether the quality and ventilation properties are good enough to include in our product offering. If so, you may expect to see us offering the USA made product at more reasonable prices.
Mike, any update on the mat you were trying to get sourced from the US?
If not, I will order the other one you have had for awhile at your site.

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
Corey - yes, I got a sample, but it is too high (thick and far too compressible for our requirements, In addition it has a type of paper backing that did not appeal to me - too prone to wear and dirt. For now we are staying with the current European product.


OverCamping Specialist
Thanks Mike.
Are these in stock, or do they need to come in first?
I will call you before the week is over to place an order.

Looking very forward to getting out this year.
Last year was a wash.


OverCamping Specialist
Bought the mat today from Mike at AutoHome.
Sometime in March or early April when it gets nicer here when I pop the tent open to launder the sheets and fluff the down comforter, I will install the mat.

Will have a review on it in my thread after I get out camping again.


Corey, I kind-of understand the purpose of the mat, but what is the issue it fixes exactly? Does the mattress get damp without the mat?

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