Sorry, I meant wider in the bottom, narrower on the top.
Dimensions +/- 1 mm are on the pic at start of thread.
BTW, thanks to everybody. Feels good not to feel alone when in trouble ! Although we do not complain, the little town is fine and people friendly. And if we need a couple more months to be able to leave, we'll be in the whales seasons (they give birth in the laguna)...
Here are some details:
Japanese trucks did not have Vin numbers. Confirmed by a japanese source. So it is likely not a stolen truck ! Good news :victory:
FusoFG has same leafs dimensions (for large bushings) as mine so we both have an issue with the parts I have received ! We will PM each other for details and report later our findings, if relevant.
The Aftermarket bushings cover some models, obvoiusly not the FG538 as mine, in a narrow version (convenient on some quad tracks and we expect in some south american villages... when we'll get there ).
Since we inspect the truck for more maintenance work, we run into similar issues.
The way to move smartly is, as we feel it, to find a way to:
- link a truck model+chassis number to parts numbers. we look for CDs etc. Or,
- find a japanese exporter for parts, based only on truck model+chassis number,
and any way, find a repair manual specific to the FG538 (I have the ones for the US trucks since 1992 but there are differences...) best in roman alphabet... at worse in japanese, as long as the diagrams are there...
Any ideas, contacts are welcome.
If we succeed in this approach, the planet will become more friendly to Canter/Fuso owners and overlanders, and cheaper too !
Thanks to all.