Tell me about Native Watercraft hybrid boats?



Congrats, That's a real nice looking craft! Haven't seen one in camo up close. I like it. Can you get spray covers and such that match?


Appalachian Ridgerunner
I likey the camo, appeases my ridgerunner soul. And yep, you can get the spray cover suite in camo, I believe it's in the Advantage Max4 wetlands pattern. It'll match my waterfowl jacket....:elkgrin:. Screw khaki, camo is were it's at.


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Finally! We got some decent weather around here so I could try out the new boat. I had to sneak a paddle in between rainstorms but the sun came out long enough and the temperatures warmed up enough to get it done. I took the Native Ultimate 12 out to a local Game Land's pond to give it a try. I tried to do this a month or so ago but that didn't work out so well....


The winds were blowing around 20mph and the surface was a little choppy, but I was determined to get this boat wet. As I eased the boat into the water and jumped on in I found getting into the boat a stable affair.

I adjusted the seat straps and the foot rests and got myself comfy and then dug in with the paddle. The boat paddled easily despite the chop though the fore wanted to turn into the wind with the chop action as I cut across the waves. Turning into the waves the boat cut wake nicely and tracked well. I pushed on across the pond and worked my way into the leeward side of a jut of land and cut through calmer water.


Here I found the Ultimate to be real stealthy. This is one quiet boat, it eased through the water and allowed me to sneak up on a beaver and a muskrat not to mention a couple of geese.


This is my favorite kind of paddling, working through flooded timber or lily pad waters watching and observing the wildlife there. The lily pads and duck weed aren't above the surface yet, but with some sunny days and warm temps on the way it won't take long for them to reach to the surface. I found the boat pretty nimble and was pleased with it's shallow draft as it would ease silently over submerged timber with ease. I should have brought my fishing gear as a glided over a bunch of nice pan fish and a few keeper bass. Next time we'll see what I can hook.




We live in a major flyway for waterfowl and at this time of year if there is a puddle of water you'll probably find a bunch of geese and ducks looking for a nesting site. I almost missed this mama goose as she was well hunkered down on her nest as I passed by her...


I spied a bald eagle and a couple of ospreys as well. I even got to watch one of the osprey hover above the pond before striking into the water to catch a fish. Than as the clouds came back in and then the sprinkles started I headed back to the launch. I spent about three hours on the pond and am real happy with my new boat. It's not the fastest, but it tracks real well, is stable as all get out and is the quietest boat on the water I've ever been around. Also, it is the most comfortable boat I've ever paddled. The seat is real easy to adjust on the move as are the foot rests. I'm half afraid to let Michelle paddle it. I think she'll steal it and make me go get another boat. :elkgrin:


Nice, I knew you'd like that boat! Great pics!
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