Still looking forward to some pics of the Tepui tents. The price is hard to pass up for a product that appears to be solid. All that have personally checked this tent out seem to give it the thumbs up. Those of you who are lucky enough to have bought one, lets see some pictures in action!
Butch, fyi, Tepui demonstrated one of their lastest newest tent addition to my local Northen California Land Rover Club; called the Ayers; 2-man RTT; retails for $750.
Three of our club members purchased Autanas (3-man RTT w/Annex) and been very happy with them; I've checked out both Ayers and Autana in person, still undecided if I want a two man (Ayers) and let my two boys ground tent it, or the buy the Autana or another addition in their line of products called called Gran Sabana (huge 6ft x 8ft sleeing area).
Once I decide and pick-up mine, will post pictures; will also drive up to Santa Cruz (only 45 mins away from me) to save on shipping. In the meantime, check out the customers' photo galaries (the 6th-9th photos in the galery (Range Rover Classic and Autana) and last photo w/the two LR3s (Autana also) were submitted by my fellow LR club members; check them out: