J E S U S !!!!
Bio - IF I wanted to read through all the CROWN-info just YOU provided, .... I'd be at it for the better part of a year!!
YES, Crown WAS the king of Schoolbuses for sure - their quality-build most likely also put them out of business....
Too expensive and too GOOD in the long run.....[Less clients for the higher price to start with and then these clients didn't want/need to replace them as soon as the others!!]
[I am not sure about this, but I think in certain or all US-states there is a 10-year max. mandatory retirement law for schoolbuses (...in school service). So it only makes sense for an operator to skip the more expensive (albeit way better...) bus for one that does the 10 years and then needs replacement anyway...]
Too bad we live in a "use and throw away" society these days....
Yes, you covered Bluebird. Skoolie builders seem to prefer it today as it is the most consistent over the years.
All others changed owners over time and had some chassis, body, suspension, engine, transmission combinations thrown at them, that are not always that great.
Thomas-built is also still a very solid bus, today owned by Freightliner (....and so owned by Mercedes), present engine line-up is Cummins (... very popular amongst Skoolie builders). If you check their website, it is basically a copy of the Bluebird site - ...after all they are the 2 remaining powerhouses in schoolbuses (like Ford and GM, or Nissan and Toyota, or......pick your sample!). Though the latest line-up is still some 10-15 years away of becoming built skoolies.....
By then I would hope there would be some neat aftermarket Serial Hybrid kits out there to modify Skoolies in that direction1
[...one of the points I seriously will research, should I find the time to do "my" Skoolie some day ....]
All others are buses [...to schoolbus spec] too, but it seems with cheaper build quality, Carpenter, Spartan, Ward (today IC), etc...
(I am sure there are many more, but these are the ones popping up on the Skoolie sites...)
In any case - the CROWN is THE ONE to have a look at, if you want to see the best Skoolie build tech and quality - you already did, so I guess - DONE!
The real problem for Skoolie builders is to fetch a good Crown - ANYWHERE!!
Those that have one don't sell, those that sell are EXPENSIVE or crashed....