TerraLiner:12 m Globally Mobile Beach House/Class-A Crossover w 6x6 Hybrid Drivetrain


Design impressions Hannover IAA 2014

This is the Mercedes design concept with the special mention: YEAR 2025


On the IVECO booth we found this design study that is more my tast and less Beluga form like the MB
The Van of the year 2015 is the new DAILY and the design forms are not that far



Truck of the year is the Renault.
Great lines and nothing to do with the AE Magnum series.
That AE concept is over and out in the Volvo/Renault VI group

This is what you like and allready with the new but old fashioned driver cabin.


First time in Hannover !!!
An expedition vehicle on the huege and verrrrry impresive Mercedes booth
That means something.
It has nothing to do with the Zetros anymore.
MB realises that even if only the happy few can afford such a vehicle the desire to go for individual travelling and adventure grows or is it allready omnipresent.
This could mean that BIOTECT has to see wider than only projecting for olderly people.
Is this because we are living more GLOBAL what automaticaly reflects in individual reactions.

. NEW and interesting for Terraliner:
Mercedes has now presented his own hydrodrive as option on the Actros.
You see the hydraulic flexibles towards the hydro engine.

Also New
Independent Wheel suspension at VOLVA
With air suspension like I would like to have it for Terraliner.
But the forgot the propulsion and the ground clearance.
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Great Post Thjakits !!!

The most important parts are that Biotect still has to adapt some things and has go for it !


Hi Bio, Campo!!

Well - Bio - no worries - "The Devil's Advocate" will not go away!!

I feel, I did step on a few nerve-ends though - GOOD!! Makes you think, doesn't it.....

Also, no worries about detailed answers - answer what you NEED to answer, DON'T repeat (just point me where you answered before....)
I know you will be busy, again - no worries!!

Bio - you do whatever you HAVE to do and I wish you all the best with it - hopefully you prove me wrong and Terraliner will actually be built!
One or two or thousands!!

The more "heated" arguments become, the more energy you will put into proving that your's is right!

You are a young design student and a strong head is good - I am a 50 year old (nearly....) hands-on guy with plenty of "less than desirable infrastructure" experience...

Ethical Engineering or Engineering ethics - no idea what ethics in engineering in the context of this discussion and/or vehicle/transport design means.
I just googled Engineering Ethics and what appears is more like a list of the 10 commandments (mostly common sense human nature rules) - obviously you can design against all this, but I doubt you have much success with it. To me it seems ethics in engineering are more about safety, design rights, etc....

No hurry, but maybe you could sum up what engineering ethics refer to in regards to your Terraliner project.

BTW: Take your time to read it all - a week or two if you need!!

Windows eeh!! Look , I understand your desire for big windows and YOU understand my arguments against them - good! At the end it is YOUR design, you do what you find you must do!

Hopefully an constructive argument:
[Maybe this HAS to do with ethics!??] Imagine your elderly couple is somewhere NE in deep Siberia in the middle of the winter (...as this seems the easier and preferred method to roam about there...) - a truck in front of them lifts a rock off the road and smashes the big windshield.
Next you know they a frozen to death, because while trying anything and all, they where not able to close the big hole in front.
Take ENGs KAT - about any squarish piece of plywood or table-top or anything in the truck can be cut to size and "fixed" in place - maybe not perfect, but it works!
Mostly NEVER happening, but remember - Devil's Advocate !! :campfire:

Now to the suggestion - Have another look at Rob Gray's Wothahellizat: HUGE windows and open space - WHEN PARKED!
ALL closed up when driving!! Small frontal area windows!!
'nough said! DA :)

No worries - I don't like this either on any the regular derivatives - I LOVED to drive the Renault Mangum!!! Absolutely fantastic to drive ABOVE the traffic - I was FLOATING really, loads of power - 480hp, 16 gears, nothing stops you - but a ridiculous huge windshield. Never broke one, though.
Wouldn't have mattered too much as I was the King of the Highway throughout Europe (call your preferred road-service or insurance), ......not in the most remote corner of the globe, where humans built a road ages ago and now live 500km away.....

I suggest, that you at least think about some kind of protective cover for all of the top-part of the window you really don't need during driving - carbon-fibre shield to pull down on the outside while driving, might also work as a thermoshield for the night.....
WHY ARE the front-window screens so popular in Oz?!!!!

Self-repair-ability (just too make sure we talk the same terms: This means, that I as the owner/driver am able to fix basic things, like changing an injector on my diesel, fix ruptured hoses - fuel, hydraulics, air - etc....) - if you don't want me to touch anything, maybe better I don't go where I could run into trouble and not get proper service - .....soo, WHY would I need the Terraliner then?? DA! :)
I suggest you include certain spares in the "Remote Travel Action"-Kit!

Redundancy: Always good, but if we talk driveline, it will get complex and heavy quickly - AND: If you think because you use a separate motor (electric) for each drivewheel you are redundant - think again! As soon as you go places where you NEED AWD your highway redundancy is gone! If you NEED all wheels driven - redundancy is NOT! Spare wheel/tire/hub (if it includes the e-motor or hydraulic motor) will save the day, IF you are able to change the unit (Self-repairability!!)

I know, if you drive - you should be able to get your spare on/off - well, cars is one thing, Expedition-Gear and Terraliners are different one!

I never argued AGAINST a Serial-hybrid, contrary!! I argued against thinking "Electro Truck with a pusher diesel-gen set".
With today's (...and the next 4 years) battery and solar tech, and charging station infrastructure - you won't get very far on a battery-charge.
THe argument is that your e-motor energy will mostly NOT come from the battery pack but from a DIESEL-GENERATOR UNIT.

My argument was (sorry if I did not properly express this...) - to concentrate on the energy-recovery aspect of a hybrid drive - ...and yes, DEFINITELY series hybrid!! Do away with all transmissions/transfers and drive by e-motor! If you still want/need to use a conventional rear axle and a single big motor driving that (more likely a single motor in line where rear-axle would be with separate driveshafts to the wheels - still would need a differential and locker there) or if you want to use separate e-motors on the chassis with shaft-drives or if you can use a separate hub-motor, NO IDEA!! You need to talk to your engineering friends! From looking at hub-motors as recently as a year ago for a van-conversion (Toyota Hi-Ace like...) - they where not very appealing for their un-sprung weight - I'd rather would go for chassis-mounted motors + drive shafts for each wheel.

At the end it depends all on the weight and efficiency of the whole package. Electric Motors are great - and HEAVY!!

So - if you go that route (I am all for it, but you will have to calculate VERY careful if full-time diesel electric is more efficient than a conventional drivetrain - I certainly hope it is!)

To help you out to talk to the engineering guys and for what I think Terraliner needs for a drive-line:

[I know you like the MAN/KAT/TATRA chassis or even just parts of them, but for the Hybrid drive concept they are no good and frankly WAY more than you need! If you insist in any of these chassis/drivelines, then you are better off going the convetional Diesel/Trans/Transfer-route. Try to incorporate a electric energy recovery system to get better overall fuel economy - parallel hybrid]

A] Conventional Rear-drive only Turbo-Diesel/Ecosplit-16 to normal rear-drive axle with a lockable diff.
If possible incorporate parallel hybrid for energy recovery.
Use hydraulic hub motors for all other wheel positions - as you probably already figured out, these are on demand only.
Hydraulic pump is driven of the transmission on there MAN and Renault, Mercedes drives the pump of the engine.

[Hydro-drives: ALL the Truck-hydro-drives we are talking here are just about the SAME!! ALL use the POCLAIN patent and most-likely even poclain-units!
BTW: Poclain has also a energy recovery system based on the same system, using the motors as pumps and putting pressure in a tank, which then is used later to drive the motors again....no idea up to what speed this works, but the MAN drive switches off AWD at 30km/h+, Renault dares to push it to 40 km/h.
Bio, you seem to be WAY better finding references online - if you cannot find more on Optidrive, I certainly can't either! BUT, no worries - it is absolutely the same as MAN - I guarantee you the hub-motors are one and the same!! Pumps and electronics may differ, but I would suggest they are the same too, but adjusted for their respective clients!
If you do end up incorporating hydro-drive - contact POCLAIN - they should be jumping on the opportunity to help you out and get their system into the mouths/minds of the TRAVEL-crowd!!]

B1] BIG single or dual e-motors for rear drive. Hydraulic hub motors all other wheels - possible argument see B2

B2] E-hub motors on all wheels! This will very much depend on how much performance you get from available units - I kind of doubt you will get anywher near enough power for the WEIGHT you will hang on the wheels. On extreme offroad you might have an advantage with a heavy wheel, but on anything with a little speed it becomes hard on everything. Besides if imagine my e-hub-motor going down a washboard - that is really not "ethical" towards my e-hub-motor!! DA! Compared to a hydraulic motor an e-motor will always be WAY more sensible to road-impacts! (Again, I just don't think you will have powerful enough and at the same time light-weight enough units available anyway...)

B3] Chassis-mounted e-motors on all wheels! This would be the very preferred solution!! Here it will depend on on:

b3a] Are available units available that are not too heavy, are able to be used for energy recovery (not all e-motors are useful for that - risking to be supersmart: There is a millionand3 different e-motor designs out there!!] ....and are too bulky (taking away lots of storage space)

b3b] Considering the average need for AWD, do you really need permanent AWD? Running 6 motors vs 2 bigger units (or even 1 big unit only) on main drive-axle, is most certainly less efficient! Smaller units are always less efficient than bigger ones and if you multiply the losses it gets worse.

So - do you expect to NEED AWD permanently or rather only occasionally?!

If only driving the main drive axle by 1 or 2 bigger e-motors, it would most likely be more efficient to STILL use hydraulic hub motors on all other wheels.
I really have no idea about it, but considering Poclains research into this - hydraulic motors must have a WAY better power to weight ration than e-motors for this application! Not even to talk about impact sturdiness!
[Besides, with a good tool-set ("OFF-ROAD Action Rescue"-Kit option, DA!) you can take a hub-motor apart and fix it - all you should need is a seal pack..... Fixing a e-hub-motor out there, ....going to be tough even if you have a professional shop available]

Even with e-motors on the rear-axle only you still can recover energy via these e-drive motors. As we are talking full serial-hybrid drive train (albeit your main power source are not batteries, but a optimized diesel-generator], your hydraulic pump (for the hydro-drives) should be powered by an e-motor - [BETTER yet you should run TWO hydro-pumps of the TWO rear-axle e-motors!! The beauty of this hydro-drive system is, that if it is disengaged it is "transparent" - it does not eat-up any energy! Damn - I should patent this concept!!] , this way you can use the hydro-motors to recover energy too by driving the system as a hydraulic generator unit. Obviously you will do this only if road-conditions require AWD for braking purposes - most likely you will be below the 40km/h limit by then....

Frankly you will actually have to consult with a hybrid-drive wizard to get the final configuration if you want the most efficient (most miles for the least fuel) drive-train!!

You will have to define the parameters very carefully - you mentioned a few posts back "mostly paved highway" - that already rules out any of the MAN/KAT/TATRA chassis if efficiency is the goal....

All the other configurations mentioned above are possible, just depends on AWD need priorities (how much time of the driving time do you expect to NEED AWD?!) and then on the different efficiency calculations between motor-typs, hydro-drive combo, etc... - weight of course also enters here.

Design-aesthetics: I DO like the MAN/KAT style, but I certainly do like a more elegant style just as well!
The oz trailer-camper you listed again on your answer post-series is a beautiful sample - and if I am not totally wrong (..studying the images) - there is hardly ANY compound curve on it!! Nice rounded corners and some elegant angles! From looking at it I probably could fix any hole or crack by epoxying even a piece of cardboard or any other "sheet" on it! The Bit** of repairs are compound curves - as long as you can do by just bending a flat piece in ONE dimension you win!
[Take a rectangular piece of cardboard or even a piece of paper and twist/bend it - whatever shape you can produce like this is okay - not flat, but any "flat piece" of something and it can be fixed - try to bend/form your piece of cardboard/paper over a ball - .....you get the idea...

Spare-Generator: Obviously this makes all the sense if you run a conventional rig/drive-line - Awfully inefficient to idle the drive-motor to get a few watts or even KW out of it for camping out.
HOWEVER if we are talking SERIAL-HYBRID drive, you do NOT HAVE a DRIVE-motor! You have a Highpower Diesel-GENERATOR SET!!
WHY would you need a small camping-genset??
IF you go SERIAL-HYBRID with a DIESEL-ELECTRIC drive system, OF COURSE you would design your battery pack so it can run everything on the travel rig as well, NOT just the drive!! After all, you will spend extend times NOT driving, so might as well appreciate the battery part of the hybrid system.
The idea is: even though the battery pack is mainly for energy recovery/efficiency purposes and your main drive fuel is still diesel (to power the generator set), with a rig this size you still will need a SUBSTANTIAL battery pack to accommodate the recovered energy from long downhill parts and continued braking. More likely than not that battery will maintain you up and running for a good while camping.
All you really need is that you can charge the pack with a sufficiently high charging rate, that you get at the minimum EFFICIENT running level of the DRIVE-GENERATOR system. Then automatic control will start up the big diesel, run it to efficient-speed-low-power-charge-level and your pack is up and running again in 45 min max.
No need for a small standby! That one would be no where near big enough to drive the rig anyway, just another heavy piece that can break.
If your SERIAL-HYBRID-DIESEL-ELECTRIC system is not reliable enough to stand alone - I wouldn't want it as a dual system either!
It get's way complex once you start with dual-systems (I fly helicopters for a living - I KNOW about dual-system complexity!!)
Show me ONE truck, Expedition vehicle, motor-home, offroad-camper that has a 2nd drive-motor and/or transmission!!

I certainly understand the idea about a camping generator unit - if it is a big one probably 10kw turbo-diesel? !!

For what you want you need a generally reliable unit - like millions of truck diesels out there - if you can't get that, you loose.
[For the sake of your design exercise, I suggest you assume similar reliability - no matter what power system you end up with]

If you replace old with new tech, there MUST be some benefit - in this case weight/efficiency/etc. - however if you cannot match the RELIABILITY of the old tech at the same time - you are going backwards.

I do, understand your notion of redundancy, but it does not reach efficiently to road vehicles yet! Even in helicopters TWIN engines reach redundancy only recently - in earlier days TWIN-ENGINE was more a liability, you NEEDED two engines to get the power to fly!!

What you want to do though is, design into your Terraliner "manufacture-flaw-survivability" - if you extend this latest helicopter manufacturing procedure to your design, you virtually guarantee, that even a undetected manufacturing flaw will not compromise safety and/functionality in any way!

In your last series-post you mentioned "turtleing" - would that be the break-over angle?

Concerning your vehicle dimensions: By definition of your Terraliner (the list) you will never get to a point where this is of any concern, as long as you maintain a decent general ground clearance you are not going such extreme roads.

Be aware, that there a various legal limitations out there - with an axle load of 11-something tons like the Australian special built - you are off limits anywhere in Europe. Max 10 tons!!
Max single vehicle length is 12m and max combined tractor-trailer is 18m [General rules - exceptions exist for specific areas - Netherlands and Sweden and possibly in Finland - things start to go a little more Road-Train direction! :)]

TOAD: DON'T!! Just look at the pictures of the Oz-fellow with the special build - what for Christ-Sakes did the poor Wrangler do, to deserve such a flogging!! And then all the extra gear to try to avoid damage to it! Just get it on an enclosed trailer and keep the bike there too - ...and fix it up so you cna use it as a workshop too, should you need to fix something! Saves a lot on those special OFF-road tires, that you use to go places you do not want to risk with the Terraliner! DA!
Also is more aerodynamic and probably saves fuel in the process!

Well, let me know if I didn't answer anything you specifically requested - sorry for all the grammar and orthographic errors - too late and too tired for proofreading!


thjakits :cool:

"DA!" :D ......let me know when you feel the need for more d-advocating!
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Hi campo, thjakits,

Many thanks to you both!! Will respond, eventually..... But right now, I have a million and one things to do before term starts. Again, many thanks.

All best wishes,



Hi Bio, Campo!!

Well - Bio - no worries - "The Devil's Advocate" will not go away!!

I feel, I did step on a few nerve-ends though - GOOD!! Makes you think, doesn't it.....

Also, no worries about detailed answers - answer what you NEED to answer, DON'T repeat (just point me where you answered before....)
I know you will be busy, again - no worries!!

Bio - you do whatever you HAVE to do and I wish you all the best with it - hopefully you prove me wrong and Terraliner will actually be built!
One or two or thousands!!


I never argued AGAINST a Serial-hybrid, contrary!! I argued against thinking "Electro Truck with a pusher diesel-gen set".
With today's (...and the next 4 years) battery and solar tech, and charging station infrastructure - you won't get very far on a battery-charge.
THe argument is that your e-motor energy will mostly NOT come from the battery pack but from a DIESEL-GENERATOR UNIT.

My argument was (sorry if I did not properly express this...) - to concentrate on the energy-recovery aspect of a hybrid drive - ...and yes, DEFINITELY series hybrid!! Do away with all transmissions/transfers and drive by e-motor! If you still want/need to use a conventional rear axle and a single big motor driving that (more likely a single motor in line where rear-axle would be with separate driveshafts to the wheels - still would need a differential and locker there) or if you want to use separate e-motors on the chassis with shaft-drives or if you can use a separate hub-motor, NO IDEA!! You need to talk to your engineering friends! From looking at hub-motors as recently as a year ago for a van-conversion (Toyota Hi-Ace like...) - they where not very appealing for their un-sprung weight - I'd rather would go for chassis-mounted motors + drive shafts for each wheel.

At the end it depends all on the weight and efficiency of the whole package. Electric Motors are great - and HEAVY!!

So - if you go that route (I am all for it, but you will have to calculate VERY careful if full-time diesel electric is more efficient than a conventional drivetrain - I certainly hope it is!)

To help you out to talk to the engineering guys and for what I think Terraliner needs for a drive-line:

[[COLOR="#FF0000"]I know you like the MAN/KAT/TATRA chassis or even just parts of them, but for the Hybrid drive concept they are no good and frankly WAY more than you need![/COLOR] If you insist in any of these chassis/drivelines, then you are better off going the convetional Diesel/Trans/Transfer-route. Try to incorporate a electric energy recovery system to get better overall fuel economy - parallel hybrid]

A] Conventional Rear-drive only Turbo-Diesel/Ecosplit-16 to normal rear-drive axle with a lockable diff.
If possible incorporate parallel hybrid for energy recovery.
Use hydraulic hub motors for all other wheel positions - as you probably already figured out, these are on demand only.
Hydraulic pump is driven of the transmission on there MAN and Renault, Mercedes drives the pump of the engine.

[Hydro-drives: ALL the Truck-hydro-drives we are talking here are just about the SAME!! ALL use the POCLAIN patent and most-likely even poclain-units!
BTW: Poclain has also a energy recovery system based on the same system, using the motors as pumps and putting pressure in a tank, which then is used later to drive the motors again....no idea up to what speed this works, but the MAN drive switches off AWD at 30km/h+, Renault dares to push it to 40 km/h.
Bio, you seem to be WAY better finding references online - if you cannot find more on Optidrive, I certainly can't either! BUT, no worries - it is absolutely the same as MAN - I guarantee you the hub-motors are one and the same!! Pumps and electronics may differ, but I would suggest they are the same too, but adjusted for their respective clients!
If you do end up incorporating hydro-drive - contact POCLAIN - they should be jumping on the opportunity to help you out and get their system into the mouths/minds of the TRAVEL-crowd!!]

B1] BIG single or dual e-motors for rear drive. Hydraulic hub motors all other wheels - possible argument see B2

B2] E-hub motors on all wheels! This will very much depend on how much performance you get from available units - I kind of doubt you will get anywher near enough power for the WEIGHT you will hang on the wheels. On extreme offroad you might have an advantage with a heavy wheel, but on anything with a little speed it becomes hard on everything. Besides if imagine my e-hub-motor going down a washboard - that is really not "ethical" towards my e-hub-motor!! DA! Compared to a hydraulic motor an e-motor will always be WAY more sensible to road-impacts! (Again, I just don't think you will have powerful enough and at the same time light-weight enough units available anyway...)

B3] Chassis-mounted e-motors on all wheels! This would be the very preferred solution!! Here it will depend on on:

b3a] Are available units available that are not too heavy, are able to be used for energy recovery (not all e-motors are useful for that - risking to be supersmart: There is a millionand3 different e-motor designs out there!!] ....and are too bulky (taking away lots of storage space)

b3b] Considering the average need for AWD, do you really need permanent AWD? Running 6 motors vs 2 bigger units (or even 1 big unit only) on main drive-axle, is most certainly less efficient! Smaller units are always less efficient than bigger ones and if you multiply the losses it gets worse.

So - do you expect to NEED AWD permanently or rather only occasionally?!

If only driving the main drive axle by 1 or 2 bigger e-motors, it would most likely be more efficient to STILL use hydraulic hub motors on all other wheels.
I really have no idea about it, but considering Poclains research into this - hydraulic motors must have a WAY better power to weight ration than e-motors for this application! Not even to talk about impact sturdiness!
[Besides, with a good tool-set ("OFF-ROAD Action Rescue"-Kit option, DA!) you can take a hub-motor apart and fix it - all you should need is a seal pack..... Fixing a e-hub-motor out there, ....going to be tough even if you have a professional shop available]

Even with e-motors on the rear-axle only you still can recover energy via these e-drive motors. As we are talking full serial-hybrid drive train (albeit your main power source are not batteries, but a optimized diesel-generator], your hydraulic pump (for the hydro-drives) should be powered by an e-motor - [BETTER yet you should run TWO hydro-pumps of the TWO rear-axle e-motors!! The beauty of this hydro-drive system is, that if it is disengaged it is "transparent" - it does not eat-up any energy! Damn - I should patent this concept!!] , this way you can use the hydro-motors to recover energy too by driving the system as a hydraulic generator unit. Obviously you will do this only if road-conditions require AWD for braking purposes - most likely you will be below the 40km/h limit by then....

Frankly you will actually have to consult with a hybrid-drive wizard to get the final configuration if you want the most efficient (most miles for the least fuel) drive-train!!

You will have to define the parameters very carefully - you mentioned a few posts back "mostly paved highway" - that already rules out any of the MAN/KAT/TATRA chassis if efficiency is the goal....
All the other configurations mentioned above are possible, just depends on AWD need priorities (how much time of the driving time do you expect to NEED AWD?!) and then on the different efficiency calculations between motor-typs, hydro-drive combo, etc... - weight of course also enters here.

Design-aesthetics: I DO like the MAN/KAT style, but I certainly do like a more elegant style just as well!
The oz trailer-camper you listed again on your answer post-series is a beautiful sample - and if I am not totally wrong (..studying the images) - there is hardly ANY compound curve on it!! Nice rounded corners and some elegant angles! From looking at it I probably could fix any hole or crack by epoxying even a piece of cardboard or any other "sheet" on it! The Bit** of repairs are compound curves - as long as you can do by just bending a flat piece in ONE dimension you win!
[Take a rectangular piece of cardboard or even a piece of paper and twist/bend it - whatever shape you can produce like this is okay - not flat, but any "flat piece" of something and it can be fixed - try to bend/form your piece of cardboard/paper over a ball - .....you get the idea...

Spare-Generator: Obviously this makes all the sense if you run a conventional rig/drive-line - Awfully inefficient to idle the drive-motor to get a few watts or even KW out of it for camping out.
HOWEVER if we are talking SERIAL-HYBRID drive, you do NOT HAVE a DRIVE-motor! You have a Highpower Diesel-GENERATOR SET!!
WHY would you need a small camping-genset??
IF you go SERIAL-HYBRID with a DIESEL-ELECTRIC drive system, OF COURSE you would design your battery pack so it can run everything on the travel rig as well, NOT just the drive!! After all, you will spend extend times NOT driving, so might as well appreciate the battery part of the hybrid system.
The idea is: even though the battery pack is mainly for energy recovery/efficiency purposes and your main drive fuel is still diesel (to power the generator set), with a rig this size you still will need a SUBSTANTIAL battery pack to accommodate the recovered energy from long downhill parts and continued braking. More likely than not that battery will maintain you up and running for a good while camping.
All you really need is that you can charge the pack with a sufficiently high charging rate, that you get at the minimum EFFICIENT running level of the DRIVE-GENERATOR system. Then automatic control will start up the big diesel, run it to efficient-speed-low-power-charge-level and your pack is up and running again in 45 min max.
No need for a small standby! That one would be no where near big enough to drive the rig anyway, just another heavy piece that can break.
If your SERIAL-HYBRID-DIESEL-ELECTRIC system is not reliable enough to stand alone - I wouldn't want it as a dual system either!
It get's way complex once you start with dual-systems (I fly helicopters for a living - I KNOW about dual-system complexity!!)
Show me ONE truck, Expedition vehicle, motor-home, offroad-camper that has a 2nd drive-motor and/or transmission!!

I certainly understand the idea about a camping generator unit - if it is a big one probably 10kw turbo-diesel? !!

For what you want you need a generally reliable unit - like millions of truck diesels out there - if you can't get that, you loose.
[For the sake of your design exercise, I suggest you assume similar reliability - no matter what power system you end up with]

If you replace old with new tech, there MUST be some benefit - in this case weight/efficiency/etc. - however if you cannot match the RELIABILITY of the old tech at the same time - you are going backwards.

I do, understand your notion of redundancy, but it does not reach efficiently to road vehicles yet! Even in helicopters TWIN engines reach redundancy only recently - in earlier days TWIN-ENGINE was more a liability, you NEEDED two engines to get the power to fly!!

What you want to do though is, design into your Terraliner "manufacture-flaw-survivability" - if you extend this latest helicopter manufacturing procedure to your design, you virtually guarantee, that even a undetected manufacturing flaw will not compromise safety and/functionality in any way!

In your last series-post you mentioned "turtleing" - would that be the break-over angle?



thjakits :cool:

"DA!" :D ......let me know when you feel the need for more d-advocating!


Hi Thjakits.
It is nice to communicate with the devils’ advocate ! You are probably far family from me.
:luxhello:As long as we find the strong arguments like you do, we will be tolerated here. 
So we have common idea’s for this concept vehicle:
I think we agree on a sort of monocoque structure and independent wheel suspension.
For me the best suspension for these weights is air but I can live with spring coils.
I get sick when I see this heavy axels that they use today with huge differential eggs in the center. These axels are for 5 to 6,5 ton/wheel Tatra weight and we with the 16 ton concept are only at +/-3 ton /wheel.
Now the driveline. Electrical Hybrid is not my strongest point although I have been in contact with it before.
My start idea was that Biotect drives a 3 axel 16 (metric) ton vehicle at speeds between 90 and 100 km/h what takes something like 200HP on the flat for more than 90% of the time.
This means that a 300 HP conventional 6x2 diesel on axel 2 is sufficient for normal drive. On top of this 6x2 solution I would see coming up 4 e-drive or hydrodrive wheels. Probably the e drive is the more interesting for this RV case because the Lithium board battery pack is already there for the living (I think +/- 1000 Ah Lithium in 48VDC) The pack weight is than 720 kg (20 x 200Ah LiFePO4 batteries of 12V 36kg). Let’s immediately also make all the rest in 48V and no more other batteries (we win then 200kg) The e-drive can of course also be 400VDC with an extra 48V generator like the new bosch one below.
The small today commercial truck diesels in Euro 6 configuration make 340 HP. MAN TGM are 6 cilinder 7 litres. (Atego has a L6 with 299 PS at 7,7 litres) I would love to use a smaller 3,0 litres L4 diesel with >350 HP but cannot find a commercial truck version on the market. The MB Sprinter and Iveco Daily stop at 190 HP.
More than 90% of the time Biotect will drive with +/- 200 HP In economical 2 wheel drive mode. He disposes of a +/- 340 HP diesel engine. The 10% extra time will come the electrical or hydraulical extender and on the 4 other wheels. On that moment in total >500 HP 6x6 has to be available for shorter periods like 15 minutes. Or >400 HP in total for 1 hour. In the city he will be able to drive only electrical for 3 hours at low speeds.
Also your redundancy is there.
That is for me innovating with modern but today existing solutions.
Bosch had 2 new e-hybrid solutions in the IAA showroom:
An 48V alternator combined e-engine on the booth witch can reverse and give 10kW energy to the engine on the standard V-belt (for use on vans)
A e-drive engine in the coupling (like I have seen before in the today Mercedes Hybrid S and E-class on a small 90Ah 12V Li battery.
Regards Campo



Hey Campo,

....who knows - DAs never sleep! :ylsmoke:

That hybrid e-motor from Bosch (between clutch and trans) - how big/strong is this??

Would be a good indicator on various drive motor sizes....

Will answer the rest later or tomorrow (...or the day after!) - just can't help, will have to pick on Bio a little more about Art/Ethics and Engineering AND BIG WINDOWS - :wings:

Bio, just as a continued think-poke (no answer required!!):

Whatever todays engineering/design mantras:

One thing held true for the last 2000 years or longer - ESPECIALLY in vehicle engineering:

"Form FOLLOWS function!" - hardly ever works the other way!

Generally in mobility if it functions it also looks fairly good! Looks are a very subjective matter though - the ugliest dump-truck is the most beautiful thing to the owner!!
It works and makes money - b e a u t i f u l!!!

On the other hand - tmk - NOTHING ever came to production of Colani's weird things!

Then Colani's "function" never was functionality, but either making furore or expressing his art - damn functionality, that is for "the poor in art understanding"!
AND that's what he got/gets paid for!

However I think - your project is something that should be viable and VERY functional!

You can make any artistic statement you want - however what good does it, if you compromise functionality of the intended purpose - "Going hard to reach places!"
- Probably many will ignore the compromised functionality over the beauty of the machine, but those will never go to the out of the way places anyway.

The ones who DO intend to go places, will find your creature nice and beautiful in the first place - you just got their attention!
Then starts the ANALYZING IF: the beauty-queen can hack it with a backpack and boots in the woods!
IF she can't - too bad, nice looks, but not what we need.....

So - there is a fine balance you cannot step over - however if you are content with general lines along MAÑANA and the KIMBERLY trailer - we just ran out of arguments!
[Just went through the Kimberly in bit more detail - no need to point to Rob Gray's WTHIZ - Kimberly: nice BIG windows when parked, NO windows when driving!! DA! ...again]
On the other hand - IF you are trying to go for more "artistic" - compound curves and rounds - eye-pleasing - less menacing - look, I am afraid, you just lost clients on "the more serious terrain end of your client pool"...

[Frequently - bad area prowess comes with a certain menace-look, e.g. a FUNCTIONAL Bullbar will be hard to design looking benign and artsy - even though Terraliner is not going OFF-ROAD, I certainly would want weight adequate winching options front and rear and the appropriate body damage protection gear: sliders and bumpers and bullbars]

And yes - I DO question this at times:
Just last year - after waiting for a year on my ARB-bullbar for my VW Amarok, I had a REALLY hard time cutting up the front valance to install the ARB-brute!
(I DO believe the Amarok has one of the best looking faces for a pick-up - elegant, smart, purpose driven - "Let's go!!")

Then the same ARB-brute saved my family (along the sturdy build of Toyota) in a triple flip over in my old Toyota 4Runner. That experience (I wasn't on board...), prompted me to replace the Runner with the biggest thing I could afford and it DEFINITELY would get the ARB again, damn the looks!

You might at least consider to offer an option package to rough-proof your ride for those, that DO want to go rough! A la MAÑANA!!

[Nothing wrong with making a artistic design statement with a mobil-home, but then you need to acknowledge the limitations. Once you do that you can also do away with a LOT of the things on your desired feature list - concentrate on hybrid and a simple AWD - a la road-cars with AWD for the winter-road! No need for added ground-clearance and ************-bad-road-prowess and "way in the boons survivability"]

Sometimes you just can't have it all - hope YOU do though!!

GO for it!!

EDIT: Bio - AIR-SUSPENSION!!! ....NO matter WHAT!!

Thoughts about slide-outs and Camo's last post ...later!


thjakits :cool:
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Hey Campo, Bio

[certainly hope that Bio is able to at least spare the time to read through posts, even if he can't answer anymore...! Call it passive D-Advocacy! :ylsmoke:]

....can't get that pdf to load..... ("webpage not available")

edit 1: I think I got the info:




edit 2: Just fired off an email-inquiry to Bosch. Hope they answer!!

However - the video about the Bosch-System - ...to me it states quite some facts:

a) THIS is the state of the art "Energy-recovery"-hybrid system for TRUCKS (PARALLEL Hybrid) - though one cannot see the actual truck, the video suggests the regular full-size road-transport truck - tractor-trailer combinations (40 tons max, 5 axles total). ...see also edit-info above: the power-levels from this particular e-drive are just not there yet - where Campo suggest they would have to be - need about 3-4 times what this unit can give you continuous....

b) Full Electric trucks are still a LONG way away:

b1) Truck-stops for fast and efficient charging do not exist yet, ...... or will they soon? [ I may be wrong there: http://www.gizmag.com/opbrid-trukba...il&utm_term=0_65b67362bd-6ef42f27ae-90808789]

b1a - I guess I am NOT wrong: "Trials of the Volvo hybrid-bus in Gothenburg, Sweden, showed the system was capable of recharging in around six minutes, giving the bus an all electric range of approximately 7 km."
Great for a city environment and frequent stops like a bus line - less ideal for a long distance transport system, let alone a back-country explorer......


b2) the necessary battery volume/weight to possible cargo weight ratio is nowhere near EFFICIENT yet.

c) Diesel-Electric SERIAL hybrid is not there yet - cannot compete with a) yet - I am sure it can be done, but not yet in a COMMERCIALLY efficient manner for a cargo/freight operator!

Bio - this does not necessarily mean, that it is the same in the Terraliner application! Freight/Cargo transport is cut-throat business, the absolute most efficient way - FINANCIALLY - wins. Period. This seems to be a) for the time being.....

However - "Remote Area Mobile Homing" is quite far removed from the Freight/Cargo frenzy! Even if you are an extreme "On the move!" guy vs. the "Mostly hangin' in a great spot" fellow - your annual road km will NEVER get anywhere near the cargo-haulers!

So - there may still be merit to a Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid set-up - from an efficiency point of view - ......no way around, you will need one of your engineering chaps go through the numbers!
[Your function - remember, FORM follows it......! - is quite a different one from the 40-ton cargo truck]

[Unless you can just take/assume it as a given, that a Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid will be the best way to go....it certainly has the most appeal from a near-future point of view - it certainly will be the next step after a) ]

c1) IF Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid would be efficiently possible for the transport crowd, ANY of the top-end diesel electric hybrid alt-energy companies would be selling it already! Bosch, Siemens, AEG, name them - I am SURE they are working on it and have test rigs running - the concept is way simpler and more streamlined than a) - ...but it does not cut it yet - ....for TRANSPORT - check it for mobilhoming!!

d) For the moment a) also suggests that you would want to reduce the number of e-motor/generators (energy recovery) in favor of one bigger unit (at least on road transport this seems to be the most efficient way - single bigger unit can achieve better efficiency than multiple smaller ones) - suggesting that it also would be the preferred way for a 90% on the road-mobil home - the 10% may be less than optimal efficiency for AWD, but overall all summed up I believe hydro-drive hubs will be doing the trick!

e) As stated before - for efficiency and sturdiness reasons - hydro-drives will be on the market for quite some time to come - eventually e-motors will take over.

SO - to sum it up:

"...innovating ideas out already today or tomorrow, existing technology. (and not futuristic)"

1) NOTHING discussed on this Thread seems futuristic in the context!

2) ALL discussed technology already exists, just not all efficient enough yet for road-transport applications - maybe/hopefully efficient enough for the Terraliner application.

3) Given the 2017/18 deadline on the Terraliner proposal I doubt (unfortunately) that e-motor efficiency and battery-technology will advance fast enough to meet the "most appreciated/wanted/wished for" Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid set-up. (...again - who knows, for the Terraliner it just might be there - engineering number-crunching!!)

4) As the Terraliner proposal fit's the size, but obviously will be a LOT lighter than the 40-toner in the video, the demonstrated parallel-hybrid system should proof even more efficient in the Terraliner - with a decently big battery-pack again even more so!

REALISTIC DRIVE-TRAIN CONCEPTS FOR THE TERRALINER - resulting from discussion on this THREAD based on tech available, efficiency and proposed use as defined in "the list - DA's versions! :"

Concept 1:

- Conventional Diesel-Transmission-Rear-axle drive (lockable) incorporating the Bosch-system as mentioned in a)
- AWD drive achieved via hydro-drive hubs on non main drive axles
- Small diesel-gen-set for camping/charging duties - UNLESS the e-motor/gen unit of the hybrid system can be run as an EFFICIENT charging unit for the battery-bank! Small diesel gen-set NOT as a back-up (...too small), but as a more efficient charging solution, IF the big main unit is not able to do so EFFICIENTLY.

Concept 2:

- Full Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid set-up, but with a single bigger e-motor driving the rear-drive axle
- AWD drive achieved via hydro-drive hubs on non main drive axles - hydraulic pump diesel engine driven (a la Mercedes HD)
- Small diesel-gen-set not needed, assumed the main D-E unit can EFFICIENTLY charge the battery-bank. Small diesel gen-set NOT as a back-up (...too small), but as a more efficient charging solution, IF the big main unit is not able to do so EFFICIENTLY.

Concept 3:
[Preferred - wished for concept, but most likely least efficient one]

- Full Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid set-up, one e-motor for each wheel
- Small diesel-gen-set not needed, assumed the main D-E unit can EFFICIENTLY charge the battery-bank. Small diesel gen-set NOT as a back-up (...too small), but as a more efficient charging solution, IF the big main unit is not able to do so EFFICIENTLY.

Likelihood of meeting efficiency goals are diminishing from 1 to 3.

Imminent availability of more efficient battery technology (e.g. Carbon/Carbon - longer live, faster charging rates) should make it possible to forget about the small diesel-gen-set. - e.g. see http://www.gizmag.com/dual-carbon-fast-charging-battery/32121/ (developed by Power Japan and Kyushu University)

I'll be right back with the slide-outs - ....I hope....


Last edited:


Yes the Terraliner idea, as I understand Biotect, is to be innovative but using already existing or under final development components and know how.
And that's nice because realistic.
So we have to suggest modern components for the Terraliner where we think they will give satisfaction for the 6x6 round the world tour in an RV.
Do you agree that it must be, for a +/-16 ton loaded weight,
a > 300 HP super small and modern Euro 6 commercial diesel on a 6x2 driveline for the normal economic driving,
and with extra traction of some 200 HP in case it goes up (total available is than +/- 500 HP) ?
In case 6x4 or 6x6 traction is needed the same system has to provide this.
Hydraulic ? Electric wheels ? let the best win or why not a combination if it is light.
The winning also comes from the one big and heavy Lithium battery pack.
I suggest to use one battery pack for household, engine starting and hybrid driving energy.
The emergency Household electrical genset has to be integrated in the traction diesel engine. (you win 100 to 200 kg)
Today I have 2 x 175Ah/12V for the vehicle and 4 x 220Ah/12V for the household that makes 400 kg.

I suggest using on Terraline 20 x 200Ah/12V Li pack what is 720kg and no genset.
Voltage(s) to be determined but thats not an issue.
Last edited:


d) For the moment a) also suggests that you would want to reduce the number of e-motor/generators (energy recovery) in favor of one bigger unit (at least on road transport this seems to be the most efficient way - single bigger unit can achieve better efficiency than multiple smaller ones) - suggesting that it also would be the preferred way for a 90% on the road-mobil home - the 10% may be less than optimal efficiency for AWD, but overall all summed up I believe hydro-drive hubs will be doing the trick!

e) As stated before - for efficiency and sturdiness reasons - hydro-drives will be on the market for quite some time to come - eventually e-motors will take over.

SO - to sum it up:

"...innovating ideas out already today or tomorrow, existing technology. (and not futuristic)"

1) NOTHING discussed on this Thread seems futuristic in the context!

2) ALL discussed technology already exists, just not all efficient enough yet for road-transport applications - maybe/hopefully efficient enough for the Terraliner application.

3) Given the 2017/18 deadline on the Terraliner proposal I doubt (unfortunately) that e-motor efficiency and battery-technology will advance fast enough to meet the "most appreciated/wanted/wished for" Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid set-up. (...again - who knows, for the Terraliner it just might be there - engineering number-crunching!!)

4) As the Terraliner proposal fit's the size, but obviously will be a LOT lighter than the 40-toner in the video, the demonstrated parallel-hybrid system should proof even more efficient in the Terraliner - with a decently big battery-pack again even more so!

REALISTIC DRIVE-TRAIN CONCEPTS FOR THE TERRALINER - resulting from discussion on this THREAD based on tech available, efficiency and proposed use as defined in "the list - DA's versions! :"

Concept 1:

- Conventional Diesel-Transmission-Rear-axle drive (lockable) incorporating the Bosch-system as mentioned in a)
- AWD drive achieved via hydro-drive hubs on non main drive axles
- Small diesel-gen-set for camping/charging duties - UNLESS the e-motor/gen unit of the hybrid system can be run as an EFFICIENT charging unit for the battery-bank! Small diesel gen-set NOT as a back-up (...too small), but as a more efficient charging solution, IF the big main unit is not able to do so EFFICIENTLY.

Concept 2:

- Full Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid set-up, but with a single bigger e-motor driving the rear-drive axle
- AWD drive achieved via hydro-drive hubs on non main drive axles - hydraulic pump diesel engine driven (a la Mercedes HD)
- Small diesel-gen-set not needed, assumed the main D-E unit can EFFICIENTLY charge the battery-bank. Small diesel gen-set NOT as a back-up (...too small), but as a more efficient charging solution, IF the big main unit is not able to do so EFFICIENTLY.

Concept 3:
[Preferred - wished for concept, but most likely least efficient one]

- Full Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid set-up, one e-motor for each wheel
- Small diesel-gen-set not needed, assumed the main D-E unit can EFFICIENTLY charge the battery-bank. Small diesel gen-set NOT as a back-up (...too small), but as a more efficient charging solution, IF the big main unit is not able to do so EFFICIENTLY.

Likelihood of meeting efficiency goals are diminishing from 1 to 3.

Imminent availability of more efficient battery technology (e.g. Carbon/Carbon - longer live, faster charging rates) should make it possible to forget about the small diesel-gen-set. - e.g. see http://www.gizmag.com/dual-carbon-fast-charging-battery/32121/ (developed by Power Japan and Kyushu University)

I'll be right back with the slide-outs - ....I hope....



What makes it a little complicated to chose is the 6x6 idea.
In a 4x4 version it would be a lot easier.

greetings Campo


This 48V alternator is also an e-engine on the pulley.
Maximum 10kW extra driving power out of battery pack.
That’s what the Bosch engineer told us.
He did not want to tell us which OEM van will be the first get this system.
The idea is to use it for smaller 3,5 metric ton commercial vehicles
But for me easy to install in retrofit.
Must probably be possible to make a 50kW version



Heey Campo - watch it!!

WE are taking over the Terraliner design work - can't do THAT!! The D A!

Quick answers:

"What makes it a little complicated to chose is the 6x6 idea.
In a 4x4 version it would be a lot easier."

I am afraid - I am totally missing what you mean!

IN case you are NOT up to date on the hydro-drive (I seriously doubt that though...!): The Hydro-drive hubs can be installed on ANY wheel, not just the front wheels.
If you look through the youtube vids (or visit MAN) you will be told that there are versions of the quarry-trucks, that have ALL 6 wheels on the TRAILER also driven by Hydro-drive hubs - ...in addition to the front wheels!! A little bit tricky to get the truck-trailer connection with out getting messy - even dry-break quick connectors are getting some leakage....
But hey - Give the terraliner a a nice tandem trailer for the toys and drive the hubs too! ...then you might as well just put a single big e-motor/generator and drive them too - weight question only (and maybe the hydros take the road-beating better than e-motors....)

"Must probably be possible to make a 50kW version"

I think that would NOT be easy to retro fit - a 50KW starter-gen is at least 4x bigger than the 10kW version shown.
Though it would not be a problem to build the 50KW (I am certain something usable is already on the market somewhere...), however RETRO-fitting will become a problem with todays tight engine installations - you will run out of powerplant real estate in a hurry under your bonnet!
Transmitting the power by belt is not a big problem - google up "Robinson Helicopters belt-drive" (...if you want to discuss these in detail - let me know - I got about all the real live experience with them you can get!!)
[R44 has 225hp max continuous and 260 for 5 min - and some more in case the Devil shows up (...or the ******* hits the fan!] - 2 of the 4 belts take all the power - 4 is redundancy!]

To get around the single big bucket size problem - you might be able to fit various 10KW units - not as efficient as a single big one, but better than none!

...to be continued shortly!



Proffessional daydreamer.
Hey Campo, Bio

[certainly hope that Bio is able to at least spare the time to read through posts, even if he can't answer anymore...! Call it passive D-Advocacy! :ylsmoke:]

....can't get that pdf to load..... ("webpage not available")

edit 1: I think I got the info:




edit 2: Just fired off an email-inquiry to Bosch. Hope they answer!!

However - the video about the Bosch-System - ...to me it states quite some facts:

a) THIS is the state of the art "Energy-recovery"-hybrid system for TRUCKS (PARALLEL Hybrid) - though one cannot see the actual truck, the video suggests the regular full-size road-transport truck - tractor-trailer combinations (40 tons max, 5 axles total). ...see also edit-info above: the power-levels from this particular e-drive are just not there yet - where Campo suggest they would have to be - need about 3-4 times what this unit can give you continuous....

b) Full Electric trucks are still a LONG way away:

b1) Truck-stops for fast and efficient charging do not exist yet, ...... or will they soon? [ I may be wrong there: http://www.gizmag.com/opbrid-trukba...il&utm_term=0_65b67362bd-6ef42f27ae-90808789]

b1a - I guess I am NOT wrong: "Trials of the Volvo hybrid-bus in Gothenburg, Sweden, showed the system was capable of recharging in around six minutes, giving the bus an all electric range of approximately 7 km."
Great for a city environment and frequent stops like a bus line - less ideal for a long distance transport system, let alone a back-country explorer......


b2) the necessary battery volume/weight to possible cargo weight ratio is nowhere near EFFICIENT yet.

c) Diesel-Electric SERIAL hybrid is not there yet - cannot compete with a) yet - I am sure it can be done, but not yet in a COMMERCIALLY efficient manner for a cargo/freight operator!

Bio - this does not necessarily mean, that it is the same in the Terraliner application! Freight/Cargo transport is cut-throat business, the absolute most efficient way - FINANCIALLY - wins. Period. This seems to be a) for the time being.....

However - "Remote Area Mobile Homing" is quite far removed from the Freight/Cargo frenzy! Even if you are an extreme "On the move!" guy vs. the "Mostly hangin' in a great spot" fellow - your annual road km will NEVER get anywhere near the cargo-haulers!

So - there may still be merit to a Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid set-up - from an efficiency point of view - ......no way around, you will need one of your engineering chaps go through the numbers!
[Your function - remember, FORM follows it......! - is quite a different one from the 40-ton cargo truck]

[Unless you can just take/assume it as a given, that a Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid will be the best way to go....it certainly has the most appeal from a near-future point of view - it certainly will be the next step after a) ]

c1) IF Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid would be efficiently possible for the transport crowd, ANY of the top-end diesel electric hybrid alt-energy companies would be selling it already! Bosch, Siemens, AEG, name them - I am SURE they are working on it and have test rigs running - the concept is way simpler and more streamlined than a) - ...but it does not cut it yet - ....for TRANSPORT - check it for mobilhoming!!

d) For the moment a) also suggests that you would want to reduce the number of e-motor/generators (energy recovery) in favor of one bigger unit (at least on road transport this seems to be the most efficient way - single bigger unit can achieve better efficiency than multiple smaller ones) - suggesting that it also would be the preferred way for a 90% on the road-mobil home - the 10% may be less than optimal efficiency for AWD, but overall all summed up I believe hydro-drive hubs will be doing the trick!

e) As stated before - for efficiency and sturdiness reasons - hydro-drives will be on the market for quite some time to come - eventually e-motors will take over.

SO - to sum it up:

"...innovating ideas out already today or tomorrow, existing technology. (and not futuristic)"

1) NOTHING discussed on this Thread seems futuristic in the context!

2) ALL discussed technology already exists, just not all efficient enough yet for road-transport applications - maybe/hopefully efficient enough for the Terraliner application.

3) Given the 2017/18 deadline on the Terraliner proposal I doubt (unfortunately) that e-motor efficiency and battery-technology will advance fast enough to meet the "most appreciated/wanted/wished for" Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid set-up. (...again - who knows, for the Terraliner it just might be there - engineering number-crunching!!)

4) As the Terraliner proposal fit's the size, but obviously will be a LOT lighter than the 40-toner in the video, the demonstrated parallel-hybrid system should proof even more efficient in the Terraliner - with a decently big battery-pack again even more so!

REALISTIC DRIVE-TRAIN CONCEPTS FOR THE TERRALINER - resulting from discussion on this THREAD based on tech available, efficiency and proposed use as defined in "the list - DA's versions! :"

Concept 1:

- Conventional Diesel-Transmission-Rear-axle drive (lockable) incorporating the Bosch-system as mentioned in a)
- AWD drive achieved via hydro-drive hubs on non main drive axles
- Small diesel-gen-set for camping/charging duties - UNLESS the e-motor/gen unit of the hybrid system can be run as an EFFICIENT charging unit for the battery-bank! Small diesel gen-set NOT as a back-up (...too small), but as a more efficient charging solution, IF the big main unit is not able to do so EFFICIENTLY.

Concept 2:

- Full Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid set-up, but with a single bigger e-motor driving the rear-drive axle
- AWD drive achieved via hydro-drive hubs on non main drive axles - hydraulic pump diesel engine driven (a la Mercedes HD)
- Small diesel-gen-set not needed, assumed the main D-E unit can EFFICIENTLY charge the battery-bank. Small diesel gen-set NOT as a back-up (...too small), but as a more efficient charging solution, IF the big main unit is not able to do so EFFICIENTLY.

Concept 3:
[Preferred - wished for concept, but most likely least efficient one]

- Full Diesel-Electric-SERIAL-hybrid set-up, one e-motor for each wheel
- Small diesel-gen-set not needed, assumed the main D-E unit can EFFICIENTLY charge the battery-bank. Small diesel gen-set NOT as a back-up (...too small), but as a more efficient charging solution, IF the big main unit is not able to do so EFFICIENTLY.

Likelihood of meeting efficiency goals are diminishing from 1 to 3.

Imminent availability of more efficient battery technology (e.g. Carbon/Carbon - longer live, faster charging rates) should make it possible to forget about the small diesel-gen-set. - e.g. see http://www.gizmag.com/dual-carbon-fast-charging-battery/32121/ (developed by Power Japan and Kyushu University)

I'll be right back with the slide-outs - ....I hope....



The problem with the alternative drive and power systems isn't the manufacturers of the units, its convincing the road haulage industry to try it!
They want reliable cost effective trucks,and most companies wouldn't want to be the 'first' fleet user to buy a few,they'd rather wait for someone else to try them, to get all the bugs ironed out.
They cannot afford to risk the financial consequences if they didn't cope with the demands of long distance travel, remember most hauliers run them nearly 7 days a week,52weeks a yr,so reliability and efficiency is paramount.
Of course,until you get a few on the rd,in real work situations,you won't know how good/bad they are.
Viscious circle.


Okay Campo - I am just going to hack up your post below....

Yes the Terraliner idea, as I understand Biotect, is to be innovative but using already existing or under final development components and know how.
And that's nice because realistic.


So we have to suggest modern components for the Terraliner where we think they will give satisfaction for the 6x6 round the world tour in an RV.
Do you agree that it must be, for a +/-16 ton loaded weight,
a > 300 HP super small and modern Euro 6 commercial diesel on a 6x2 driveline for the normal economic driving,
and with extra traction of some 200 HP in case it goes up (total available is than +/- 500 HP) ?

IF Bio insists on the 6x6, I wouldn't even limit the weight at this stage - 3 axles, you have 30 tons available - keep it light and see where you end up.

I think your power-requirements are a little high for a the intended purpose! once you go AWD - you are way down on speed requirements.
Though I agree to use a high output engine and just use less power - that's what the big trucks seem to do today - power up to 600hp available but mostly coasting 40 tons at 85km/h - however 600hp will get you through about all steep passes quickly (at the same 85km/h where possible)
I think (stand to be corrected) - the idea behind the todays super-power trucks is to see where the LOWEST, needed power can be produced EFFICIENTLY with a big power diesel. A loaded 40-tonner needs only about 180hp to keep moving on a good level road at 85km/h - and that number keeps dropping with better aerodynamics and rolling development on the tires. So - if a 600hp diesel can produce 180hp as efficiently as a 300hp motor - no reason why NOT to use it and take the power advantage over the 300hp motor to the mountain!
There was definitely a huge advance in that area over the last 15 years or so!
I remember when Iveco was the king of power with their 18-liter V8, but unless you where in the heavy hauling business over the Alps it did not calculate in the business department. Motor was too heavy (loosing cargo weight) and too thirsty at the lower and lowest hp settings!
Obviously this has changed big time as the engine displacement vs. power-output came down a lot and so did engine-weights.
Today your choice of power comes over a huge range from the SAME BASIC engine - internals/externals/control is of course the big difference.

IN case Bio goes with the Diesel Electric drive - you can use the smaller fast running gen-sets, optimized for one rpm-point.

Just mentioning it here - Bio brought up a flywheel gen-set he saw on Jepotnik. Flywheels are great to stabilize power output-quality when you expect a lot of power-demand-fluctuation. In a truck dedicated gen-set you could save a lot of weight by reducing or eliminating that flywheel and have hybrid electronics take care of power-delivery - you have a huge battery pack as a shock-absorber. Power-output from the gen-set should be smooth with slow power changes (relatively)....

AWD power demand: Correct me if I am wrong:

In offroading the principal mantra is to "Go as slow as possible and as fast as necessary!" - so in Remote-area-mobil-homing we are not looking a DAKAR style offroading - I believe with a total of 350hp through 6 wheels - you are well off - Take the Bosch-video shown equipment (see the pdf I linked) and you have short-term power of 120kw (60 sec) available through the hybrid system and 65 kw permanent (if your battery pack is big enough - mobilhome, we should have a seriously big pack) you get up to 1000 Nm of torque for 60 sec too! - hydro-drive pump on the engine: You will only need the power for that if the rear wheel drive is loosing traction, so you will not be able to put the 350 on the ground there - take the excess to the hydro-drives. 500hp is for serious weight!!

[I did a very few heavy transports - 84 tons total with a 500hp DAF - tandem drive axles, you won't need that for a "sensible" 20-25 ton mobile-home - ....then a friend just recently told me "You can have ENOUGH power, but you never can have TOO MUCH!" - ..the guy is building homebuilt airplanes going 350 kts at sea-level!]

...also - if you cannot "get out" in 60 seconds of full-power - you won't!!

In case 6x4 or 6x6 traction is needed the same system has to provide this.

Depending on the final drive train layout.....

Hydraulic ? Electric wheels ? let the best win or why not a combination if it is light.

I wish so too - but as it looks like at the moment - hydro wins for HUB-motors!
I also hope Bio does not just "demand" and assume serial-hybrid with a e-motor for each wheel, but actually gets an engineering buddy to do the numbers for him!! (though for the sake of the "innovative" part of the project he could just assume this layout - I have no doubt that this will be the next evolution in the hybrid arena - Let's see if I get an answer from Bosch!)
The winning also comes from the one big and heavy Lithium battery pack.
I suggest to use one battery pack for household, engine starting and hybrid driving energy.

- Beg to differ - I believe "The winning also comes from the one big and heavy CARBON-CARBON battery pack." !!! See links in my last big post....

- But yes, certainly ONE big bank, although sectioned into independent packs for semi-redundancy (...or do I dare to say "Remote-Area-Survivability" - your friendly DA!:ylsmoke:)

- With the Diesel-Electric-SERIAL layout, in the proposed power level - you should not need anything else but the generator, even for starting the Diesel. See Bosch-pdf

The emergency Household electrical genset has to be integrated in the traction diesel engine. (you win 100 to 200 kg)
Today I have 2 x 175Ah/12V for the vehicle and 4 x 220Ah/12V for the household that makes 400 kg.

I suggest using on Terraline 20 x 200Ah/12V Li pack what is 720kg and no genset.
Voltage(s) to be determined but that's not an issue.

- Okay- as stated above I believe in the vehicle application LI will be replaced by the Carbon-Carbon thing....

- Voltage is really up to the specialist engineers for this system/application, looking at the Bosch-pdf, it says 150-430V. At the end this is a efficiency question only - whatever form of electricity you need from the pack is easily and efficiently converted today.....

- As mentioned, for me a typical Mobil-home gen-set would ONLY come into consideration if the main-power unit cannot EFFICIENTLY charge the battery pack at the lower power levels that may be required for that. NOT as a "back-up"....

Looking at the 600hp discussion above - for a 350hp gen-set this might be right around 30-45KW, if the battery-pack can take charging at this level - we won.

...still need to come back with Slide-outs!

...and I DO have more concerns about the HUGE front windshield!! Not to hassle but serious considerations (...which, btw, I cannot find addressed in the Burstner Panorama - doc.)

Also, if you look at the future-Trucks at the Hannover IAA 2014 - there is definite tendency to SMALLER windshields.
Thoug I don't like the decidedly macho/agressive/sinister look approach - there would certainly be better design ways to take the aggression out and just leave the macho-power thing there - Hey Bio! ...give them a hand with that!!



(The D's premier A!)

BTW: DA in the above article does NOT refer to District Legal Advice!
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