Tex's 2019 GX460 build


Beach Bum
Stunning weather for January (69F and clear skies) so we decided to hit the beach.




Beach Bum
I got caught in the winter blast in NE Texas last night coming back from a weekend of goose/duck hunting in Arkansas. I ended up doing 20-30 mph on roads that I normally run 75-80 mph on for over four hours, it turned a normal nine hour trip into a 13.5 hour ordeal real quick lol. I have never had to go around so many downed trees and spun out vehicles in my life and I lived in the direct path of the eye of Hurricane Harvey lol. It's crazy how quickly an average winter storm can get out of control in an area that isn't equipped with the gear necessary to properly prep roads prior to such an event.

I was grateful to have such a capable and readily stocked vehicle to get through the weather and tackle the road conditions with ease while so many others were stranded or wrecked out on the side of the road. I have never had the Nitto Ridge Grapplers in snow and ice and after driving them through 5-6 hours of driven heavy, wet snow last night I can honestly say that they work quite well in that mess. My hunting partner who rode with me spent the majority of his life in Maryland and Pennsylvania and even he was blown away by the weather and road conditions.

A few pics taken on main highways along the way last night.









Active member
I got caught in the winter blast in NE Texas last night coming back from a weekend of goose/duck hunting in Arkansas. I ended up doing 20-30 mph on roads that I normally run 75-80 mph on for over four hours, it turned a normal nine hour trip into a 13.5 hour ordeal real quick lol. I have never had to go around so many downed trees and spun out vehicles in my life and I lived in the direct path of the eye of Hurricane Harvey lol. It's crazy how quickly an average winter storm can get out of control in an area that isn't equipped with the gear necessary to properly prep roads prior to such an event.

I was grateful to have such a capable and readily stocked vehicle to get through the weather and tackle the road conditions with ease while so many others were stranded or wrecked out on the side of the road. I have never had the Nitto Ridge Grapplers in snow and ice and after driving them through 5-6 hours of driven heavy, wet snow last night I can honestly say that they work quite well in that mess. My hunting partner who rode with me spent the majority of his life in Maryland and Pennsylvania and even he was blown away by the weather and road conditions.

A few pics taken on main highways along the way last night.







That’s awesome! We didn’t get that storm here in northern Virginia sadly but glad you saw some snow, it is winter and all! Hopefully ours is coming, or I get a job in Colorado and won’t have the issue anymore :D


Beach Bum
The third row is out! The Goose Gear plate is still a few weeks out but I wanted to get a jump on the install and have time to properly do the sound dampening material prior to installing the plate. The factory rubber mat and my seat/cargo cover do a good job of covering it all up for the time being. If you're going to be cruising around like this for a few weeks like myself, be sure to reinstall the bolts and plastic push pins in order to seal off the cargo area.

Any suggestions on which material to use for insulating and sound dampening and how much to use and where to buy would be much appreciated.








The Credible Hulk
Wow, that's a huge space gain!

I used to have a 2008 RAV4, and one of my favorite things was the sizable underfloor storage area because my RAV4 didn't have the optional 3rd row seating.


Any suggestions on which material to use for insulating and sound dampening and how much to use and where to buy would be much appreciated.

Of course, dynamat is the go-to. I just don’t like how hard they are to remove. Especiall if there is a chance your vehicle will be submerged. That carpet padding Lexus puts in seems to do a pretty good job.


Have you had any issues with the headlights since you did the lift? I just had mine lifted with the Dobinson kit and everyone is flashing their brights at me...Noob questions I know, never lifted any of my rides before


Beach Bum
A few people flashed me for a week or so but I adjusted them down and it hasn't been an issue since.


Just used the old fashioned adjustment screws on the headlight housing? I really expected that they were self adjusting...


Beach Bum
Yes, and they are within the range in which they are set from the factory, obviously that will change with a lift.


Beach Bum
I had a little time this afternoon before leaving town for the weekend to mess with installing some of the sound deadening material. Short of having to cut out/around for the mounting hardware and wires, it was fairly easy. I only used two pieces of the Noico 80 mil material, I was lucky enough to be able to piece meal the scraps together on one side to fill in the gaps. I might add some more in the other exposed nooks and crannies as well as up and under the side panels later on, but for now it's a huge improvement over having nothing there. We drove to the ranch tonight and I couldn't believe the difference it made in terms of cutting down the road noise and the tininess of the sheetmetal.




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