The AR-15


Thanks Scewball. I've been told it's better to build one instead of buying and modifying. I'm looking at a RRA LAR-15 R3.


Craft Beer Explorer
Hey all,

I finally stepped into the AR world.

Smith & Wesson M&P15 with Magpul Furniture in Dark Earth/Coyote. Since I bought it, I have purchased a Daniel Defense red dot and a Magpul MS2 Mission Sling.

I love the damned thing. I can tell this is going to get expensive....


With an AK you can easily pick it up, look down range and hit close enough for assault type shooting with out any sights. It just feels simplistic. An AR is more dependent to sighting in the weapon before you can be on target. Same with shooting from the hip. I know nobody teaches this but when the banditos are jumping out of the truck you may want to start throwing lead as the weapon is being brought up. I can have a lot of lead in the back of a pick up truck before the gun is brought to shoulder because it's easier to shoot. Obviously why small third world guys wreak such havoc with them. We don't even fight on their terms but instead stay way back with air power and 50 cal to soften things up. I seriously doubt any use we would personally have except fun will have support. I'll be the little guy needing to wreak havoc in a defensive manor and is why I commented and suggested a good way to get as handy as you can with an AR. An AR is no joke, I just consider it needing more disciplined operation and sighting. An 8 year old can master and hit with an AK and I'll be about as worth while as one when my house or camp has just been shot up and I'm squirming. Do you want to drop from your wife and kid with a complex military weapon system she is scared of or a dumb bang stick she can survive with?

You're an idiot. All. Day. Long.

Hip shooting? Are you kidding me?!?!? I'll put one between your eyes while you're playing Rambo with your AK.

"An 8 year old can master and hit with it" !?!?!?!?! You ever train children? Kids cant master a damn thing without coaching/training. Hope that 8 year old already has eye and earpro on, otherwise they wont tolerate it for long, if at all after the first shot.

"Small third world guys wreak havoc with them". !?!?!?! Having been on the receiving end, while doing good work for God and Country, I can tell you first hand, 'those small third world guys' really, really suck at shooting.

Two of my four SBR's
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"Small third world guys wreak havoc with them". !?!?!?! Having been on the receiving end, while doing good work for God and Country, I can tell you first hand, 'those small third world guys' really, really suck at shooting.

Amen. I have literally told Iraqis that we'd give them back AKs to help them guard their neighborhoods b/c I don't care if they shoot at us or not, they can't hit $hit-but if they don't stop the IEDs houses are going to get bulldozed.

Accurate AK fire is a contradiction in terms.

Nice shorties BTW.



yep, the goat herders in AFG believe it's the 'Will of Allah' if their bullet hits their target.


Expedition Leader
Hunter army airfield? Right before 9/11 we used to use the deployment strip for P.I.T. training.

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Suffering Fools
My favorite, a suppressed Commando


For perspective, suppressor removed next to my 16" :costumed-smiley-007



I just ordered a WarSport. Looking forward to get the build finished and up and running. LVOA, ACOG, DBAL-i2, etc etc. Should run nice.


Sounds sweet

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Thanks. Ill put pics of it up. People like to rag on warsports, but if they knew how the lvoa came into existence and who is using them, it would change a lot of tunes. To say nothing about actually trying one for themselves.


Expedition Leader
I like it but if had wetworks, um.. I mean watersports money I would buy a scar H. But that's just my preference.

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