The AR-15




Beach Bum



I just bought a new AR-15 with M-Bus flip-up sights. I want to get it zeroed in. How far to sight it in? 100 meters? I won't be using any sort of special rounds (whatever the regular inexpensive rounds are out there - I might stock up on military surplus stuff).

100 yd or m is fine. You can look up the amount of drop for longer distances. If you shoot farther than 100 then simply elevate the rear sight the required amount or "hold over".




New member
Learned to shoot using iron sights. My very first Qual in the Army was with iron sights and I shot 40/40.

I only use irons as backups now for my rifles. I have bad eyes, even after 2 Lasik procedures, but still prefer a 1-6x for my HD and medium range hunting ARs and much higher magnified optics on any if my long distance precision or hunting rifles.


Learned to shoot using iron sights. My very first Qual in the Army was with iron sights and I shot 40/40.

I only use irons as backups now for my rifles. I have bad eyes, even after 2 Lasik procedures, but still prefer a 1-6x for my HD and medium range hunting ARs and much higher magnified optics on any if my long distance precision or hunting rifles.

I have first hand experience with old eyes and iron sights. I've spent a pile of money on dedicated lenses for my shooting glasses and other gadgets with limited success.

But I can't remember the last time I saw a young/middle aged person shooting with irons.

I see where the USArmy has come to it's senses and has reverted back to requiring troops to qualify with irons in addition to optical sights.


What is your intended use?
Are you going to use any red dot, scope or just the flip up sights?

WA just passed a major gun control law, so I figured I'd get an AR before the law went into effect. I've been kinda wanting to get one for a while, and figured now was the time. I don't have any specific use in mind for it (other than what most folks get one for). I'm not really a hunter (you wouldn't know it looking in my gun safe though).

I spent 34 years in the Army, so I'm familiar with the M-16 and M4 carbine (I used to jump out of airplanes with an M4). I've got all sorts of rifles and shotguns and handguns, but this is the first AR platform I've owned.

I know the AR-15 platform is like Jeeps - they make a ton of accessories for them. Right now I'm just wanting to get it sighted in with the flip up sights. I've never used a red dot before, and I'm afraid if and when I do, I'll decide I have to put them on all my firearms.


I've never used a red dot before, and I'm afraid if and when I do, I'll decide I have to put them on all my firearms.

Yup. Its 2018 theres no reason to make things hard on yourself

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Theres a counter-culture trend these days against modifying guns and using optics. Its annoying and stupid. Theres no reason not to make your guns fit YOU.

Also, in a gunfight the other guy gets a vote; and the score counts. If I can pull a 1.5 draw from concealment and A zone hits at 25 using a decent trigger and rmr atop my carry gun; vs Pookie pulling a hipoint from his waistband with one handed sideways I'm going home to my family and Pookie going home in a box.

But I digress.

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Swapped the 1-6 on the 14.5 Larue barreled TX rifle. Pulled the red dot and swapped it onto the 300blk pistol.

This is my do-all, go to war gun. I'd take this anywhere. Its fast at close range, and slings 75gr match ammo out to 600 with ease on sillouetes . Definitely my favorite of the collection.

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