I like those factory wheels. Let's 3.0 turbo swap it!
Order these coil spacers for the rear and crank your torsion bars in the front for a suspension lift
Or order a body lift
do both as the 93 doesn't have the factory body lift the 94- gen 2's have and go with the 3" BL and get then move on to getting some rock sliders and hit the junkyards for a locking rear end
I like those factory wheels. Let's 3.0 turbo swap it!
Um, YES! Will I need custom manifold to do that or is there a stock version? Twin Turbo or even supercharger would be amazing. It would be sweet to find a V8 option. Im sure I could shoehorn a v8 in there. I'll research some more and measure but that may be an option for me.
There's no specific amount to crank the torsion bars - it will depend on how much the rear is lifted, how much weight you've got on the vehicle, how tired your original torsion bars are, and how you want it to look. Crank the bars until it looks right to you, drive it for a while so everything can settle into it's new position, then re-adjust the bars if necessary. Soaking the adjusters with some penetrating oil ahead of time will make the adjusting process considerably easier.
Find a wrecked 90-94 3000GT or stealth RT/TT and get the engine, ecu, injector resistor and then toss a single 50 trim on a custom cross over pipe and you've got power.
You still planning on 1UZ swap?
Since you asked, a set of VW Recaros (any color) or E32/34 seats in good condition, PB or black. My sport seat's frame cracked.
Hey that's cool your over here. Adam, or somebody said you bought a new cherokee? Judging by post and your signature you have gotten rid of it already?
You need to get another mitsu dude.
If this isn't an appropriate thread, let me know. I'm not from AZ but I'm considering a 96 SR in Phoenix that I would fly in to purchase and drive home to OK. Wondering if any of you happen to be acquainted with this particular vehicle? Would anyone be interested in checking it out for me?