Ok, just trying to lock down the group who will be attending this trip. I've got a few Maybe's and a couple confirmed to be in for sure. There is a few I haven't heard from, let me know.
4 wheeling into camping over night, November 14th into the 15th
Here is the plan:
Meet up in Tucson saturday november 14th at 10 am at this location
8845 E Tanque Verde Rd, Tucson, AZ 85749
This will be the last gas station before we hit the trail
Wheel into Chiva Falls trail saturday, set up camp at the end at the water fall, awesome spot.
Sunday morning November 15th, wake up, eat, what ever, wheel out of the trail.
Sunday afternoon, hit staging area, air up, hit the road home.
It's a cool trail, pretty mild with a couple challenges. There is a stock Gen 3 monty going so everybody is more than capable to do this.