It's hopefully going to be a big few days coming up. I haven't driven my 95 in over a year, but I think it's going to happen Thursday, as long as the IncorporatedX team reports all systems go. I printed up my $1 three day permit for emissions and related transport (the tags are long since expired) this evening, and since day three isn't technically until Monday, I have a five day permit. I probably won't get it to emissions until Friday after work, and even though I haven't ever had issues with getting this truck to pass, one never really knows. Providing it does pass, I'll probably elect to just pay ADOT their exorbitant late fees since I can't get time off to rot in a DMV office to sign their stupid papers saying I haven't driven it and I've been a good boy and all. Then I'll have just enough time to throw my camping and wheeling gear into the back so I'll be ready to roll on Saturday for the Chiva Falls extravaganza. It'll be fun to actually roll over some stuff with that thing again, as I've really missed having it ready. I only took one off-road sort-of trip this year, and it kinda sucked anyway, since my 86 isn't very hard core.
After this weekend, I'll have a chance to start going through the rest of the vehicle to sort out remaining issues and get it ready for next year's duties. Big thanks for all the efforts of IncorporatedX, Toasty, Pa_Jero and the rest of the fantastic AZ Crew for lending a hand. This marks the beginning of another 60,000 mile lease on life, and after that, it will still just need the timing components, not all this stuff that went in for this interval.
In case you, the reader, hadn't heard, there were a couple of unseen issues that crept up towards the end. First, there was an unreported hole in one of the valve covers that had to have been there since at least the last time the timing belt was done, prior to me buying the truck. It had been heavily RTV'd to prevent a leak, and InX saw it the other day during reassembly. Luckily, Pa_J had and extra set of valve covers (how lucky is that?) and donated one to the cause. Secondly, and this one really puzzles me, InX sent me a picture of what the previous timing belt replacer had done with the front main seal. He had deliberately cut a slice out of the outer metal edge of the bottom (I think) of the seal, ostensibly to accommodate what he thought was an oil return gallery or something. Obviously, this is what was causing the front main seal to leak for the entire time I had owned the truck. It gets weirder: the previous owner had returned the truck to the mechanic after the timing belt was changed because it was leaking oil after just a couple of days. The mechanic charged the previous owner again to tear apart the front of the engine and replace the seal, only to have the problem come back. What do you want to bet he did it to both seals? Just wait until I tell Monte3, the p.o. If that guy is still turning wrenches in M3's town, he'd better cover his ***.
Oh yeah, Jorge ordered his Aussie locker the other day for his 89 V-6. After we put his in, I'll know how to do it to I want one too! Maybe sneak some 4.90's in there, too. Gotta keep up with RyanY, who already has his done...
See you dudes on the trails!
John B.