Why yes...
No major projects have gotten checked off lately, but I have been making slow, steady progress on completing the doors. In a recent update I'd got the first of the rear glass in. Since then I've got all 4 pieces in! There's definitely a few tricks to these, and having two or three people doing them seems pretty much required. I don't know how I would have managed these myself at all.

The barn door glass required putting the glass in the seal first, then running some small paracord in the channel that the body is supposed to go in, all the way around, so that the ends cross each other at the bottom. Apply liberal amounts of silicone lube to the rubber and the body. With your helper holding the glass and seal from the outside, and without un-crossing the paracord ends, place the paracord ends inside the truck. Using both ends still crossed, lift up and inwards on them so the lip of the seal pops over the body edge. Now work one end along the seal so it pulls the lip of the seal over the body edge. Do this all the way around and you'll have the seal in place! Make sure to keep the rubber lubed so there's no friction on the body or the string: this could cause the rubber to rip.
The side glass is kind of the opposite: the seal goes on the body first, then the glass gets worked in. Start with the one sharp corner, and the glass on the outside. Place the corner of the glass in the seal channel, then use plastic body panel tools to work the seal lip from behind the glass to in front of it. I found that having a third person with a panel tool on the inside helping push the lip out while I held the recently popped-out section in place worked very well. It is slow and tedious but it works little by little. Again, liberal use of silicone lube spray helped a ton. Once the glass is in the seal, install the locking strip. I HIGHLY recommend getting the specialty tool for this. You can do this with panel tools too, but the specialty tool makes it sooooo much easier. Fortunately there's a window guy in the same complex as my buddy's shop, so I was able to borrow his. I think LMC has them for like $20 or something... seems like a lot, but we're talking moments with the tool vs who knows how many very frustrating minutes without it. My sanity would have been worth $20.
The other Sunday I had a couple gearhead friends over as

Speaking of the weekend, Saturday by buddy, Patrick, will be coming up from SLO and helping me get the Chassis Unlimited rock sliders built up!
The weekend after this one my dad is coming around for 5 days, and I'm taking the week off work to really spend some time hammering on the remaining projects. Our goal for his time here is to get the thing fired up! Tasks remaining to that end include:
- Plumbing the fuel lines
- Installing the fuel filter and pressure regulator
- Connecting the wiring harness
- Powering the wiring harness
- Installing a starter
- Installing the core support and new radiator
- Plumbing the radiator