Wrenchfest 2018 - The Wrenchening continued! Goals today were very aggressive: pull both axles, put the '73's axles under the '87 and pull the engine and trans from the '87 to sell on Craigslist. We got 2/3 done, plus a little extra.
We started out taking some of the accessories - batteries, steering reservoir, etc. - out and draining the engine thinking we'd start there.
My Dad, Getting Dirty
But, while we were doing that my buddy whose shop it is stopped by and said he might know someone who'd want it engine and all. So we switched to pulling the axles.
Front Axle Out
While we got after that, my buddy said he had a couple hours to kill, so he took out the windows that I want to swap.
Windows out
Pile of Parts Getting Bigger
Standing on Two of its Own Feet
Didn't snap any pics while the rear end was coming out. That one was pretty quick and easy, so it wasn't much to see.
It ended up that my buddy's buddy didn't have any interest in the truck, BUT I found someone else that wanted the carcass. We contemplated pulling the motor, but by that time we were pretty exhausted. So we wheeled it out into the parking lot, cleaned up and headed out. We'll get that out tomorrow.
We started out taking some of the accessories - batteries, steering reservoir, etc. - out and draining the engine thinking we'd start there.
My Dad, Getting Dirty

But, while we were doing that my buddy whose shop it is stopped by and said he might know someone who'd want it engine and all. So we switched to pulling the axles.
Front Axle Out

While we got after that, my buddy said he had a couple hours to kill, so he took out the windows that I want to swap.
Windows out

Pile of Parts Getting Bigger

Standing on Two of its Own Feet

Didn't snap any pics while the rear end was coming out. That one was pretty quick and easy, so it wasn't much to see.
It ended up that my buddy's buddy didn't have any interest in the truck, BUT I found someone else that wanted the carcass. We contemplated pulling the motor, but by that time we were pretty exhausted. So we wheeled it out into the parking lot, cleaned up and headed out. We'll get that out tomorrow.