Yea, these engines are supposed to be pretty awesome. Still not expecting a powerhouse, but just fine with the workhorse that they are. I've always wanted to take blown up engines and done some kind of coffee table thing, but that's a lot of cleaning! I got the engine from Ted's Trucks down in Alabama. Talk to Margeret, she's awesome and full of that nice southern hospitality.
I think they have a contract with the government so when the military gets bored and repowers the HMMWV's with new engines for no reason and throws the almost brand new engines into the dumpster, Ted's gets them. They run through them, bench test them, and sell off the good ones. Their prices always vary. I don't like to promote or demote peoples prices on the interwebs, so you guys can go look it up on your own. Margaret has all the answers for you.
For twice the price, I could have bought a new one, but with the fact that I could have gotten a used 6.2L for $600, I didn't want to spend way too much money. If I was gonna spend $6000 on an engine or something, it would be a Cummins or something, if we had the time. But this will work, and I'll feel better knowing I'm helping the environment by using a recycled engine!
The 6.5L Optimizer shares the same exterior specs as any old regular 6.5L. So yes, any intake manifolds, exhaust manifolds, and turbo stuff will bolt right up to it.