Been working with using the fridge, tv, microwave and stuff. I might need more than one deep cycle battery.

The battery up front works great. The voltage drop to the rear is a little more than desired, but works. If I knew that I would have been better off with 2, I most likely wouldn't have built this battery tray and put more of my efforts into something else.

Deciding where to put these batteries have caused many sleepless nights. Below the electrical cabinet is a no brainer, but way more work than I was willing to put into. That work involved moving the air tank. I was even going to mount two air tanks, one here on the drivers side...

...and one here on the passenger side. But that damn tool chest is heavy and very much in the way.

And just to remind you guys, this thing is in there! When it was empty we had to cut, hammer, and squeeze this thing in there. Then welded it in pretty much. It's solid as a rock and I'm far too lazy to deal with it. Problem with mounting anything below the cabinet is that if your going to through bolt something, the one side under the tool chest is inaccessible. So I even have a second air tank laying around that will most likely not have a home on this rig anytime soon. I gave up months ago. But currently, batteries are important so I came back to the problem of mounting something under the tool chest.

The idea is to move this whole setup to the same location on the passenger side.

Under the bottom of the tool chest is about 2" of air space before the aluminum floor of the cabinet. A coworker came up with the idea to take out some of the tool chest drawers and make access holes in the bottom of the too chest to get to the mounting nuts. Amazing what ideas you can come up with after a few beers after work. :beer: So I went ahead and measured for where we needed the holes for the mounting bolts and drilled a pilot hole up.

And then used a hole saw to go down through just the bottom of the tool chest.

That gave the clearence for all the hardware and socket to fit down into.

And finally, got the air tank brackets safely mounted on the passenger side under the big tool chest!

Now that this is out of the way over on the passenger side, that should clear the drivers side space under the elctrical cabinet for a few batteries.