The DeTour Trip Report - As Told by Blackdawg


Dr. Frankenstein

Chapter 3: Everything is Finnnnneee!

The next morning we crawled out of bed to more snow. But the sun was slightly peaking out so it made for a pretty morning.

DeTour-28.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_0003 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0004 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00002 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00003 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

We passed around the sweeper broom again to get the snow off the tents before stuffing them up cold and damp. Ben quick to point out how nice it was to have a hard shell tent to avoid that.

2017-09-20 - 00001 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00004 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00005 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00006 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00008 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

IMG_0007 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

We all gathered around to talk about our plan of action. I mentioned that Sunlight is very pretty and worth the drive. I knew we wouldn’t be able to make it up to the pass but the lower part was still nice and the clouds seemed to be breaking up.

Already here, everyone agreed to drive the lower part of Sunlight and then head out to the Pryors next.

The sunlight didn’t last though, it was over cast quickly. But still very pretty out in the cold fresh air.

DeTour-29.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr
DeTour-30.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_3349 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3350 by mike digirat, on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
The road was actually pretty clear as there had been traffic already on it. In fact it was a tad muddy.

2017-09-20 - 00009 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

Venice, Ben’s dog, found that out the hard way..

IMG_0013 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0014 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

It didn’t take us long on the fairly smooth road to get to the wash out that had happened the year before. The road just disapears into the creek but is still there on the other side.

DeTour-32.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-31.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_0016 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

Not a big deal though. I waited for everyone else to catch up so they would know where to go.

DeTour-33.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-34.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-35.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-36.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-37.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-38.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

Everyone assembled, I lead the way to the bind corner up the creek.

IMG_0018 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0020 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

Hardly an obstacle with the water level so low. But always fun to drive through a section of creek.

DeTour-39.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-40.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-41.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-42.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
That was the fun part of this road though, there were many creek crossings. Some not to be messed with during the early spring, but we didn’t have that issue. Though in some ways I wished it was spring as it would at least be warmer.

DeTour-43.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-44.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-45.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-46.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-47.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-48.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-49.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-50.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-51.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

The early heavy snowfall had caught many a young tree by surprise. Most were low hanging and after Franks antennas smacked the snow off them most were no issues. However some older trees, not so much. Nothing a few whacks with my axe couldn’t handle though.

IMG_0025 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_3351 by mike digirat, on Flickr

We were enjoying our winter wonderland though for the most part.

IMG_3355 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3364 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3370 by mike digirat, on Flickr

Not much further down the road, Devin spotted a couple of moose!

DeTour-52.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00019 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

IMG_3372 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3373 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3374 by mike digirat, on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
That was a pretty good spot up the hill! Was great to see some wildlife up here. We continued on as it started to lightly snow again.

2017-09-20 - 00020 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00021 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

We crossed our last crossing on the way in. I knew soon we would be turning around sadly.

IMG_0028 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

DeTour-53.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-54.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-55.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-56.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-57.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-58.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_3376 by mike digirat, on Flickr

Amazingly, there was a man back here who had walked in. We had past his old pre tacoma flat bed earlier. I flipped around and asked what he was up too. Was hunting moose! I told him we had spotted two cows just down the road, but he had been tracking a large bull aparently. Wished him well and continued on.

Had to chat with Mike first too to just say how fun it was to be out even in the snow.

2017-09-20 - 00022 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
Soon we were making our way back out of the beautiful valley.

2017-09-20 - 00023 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

IMG_3377 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3381 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3385 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3387 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3391 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3392 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3394 by mike digirat, on Flickr

DeTour-59.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_3395 by mike digirat, on Flickr

DeTour-60.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_3399 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3400 by mike digirat, on Flickr

We had had no drama on the simple road, which was nice considering the weather. We were getting sick of snow already though and comments of sunshine were more and more frequent on the radio. Out of the creek, woody area, we were able to pick up speed to get out of the winter wonderland.

DeTour-61.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

Devin, ever the watchful eye for wildlife, spotted a little buck deer just off the road.

DeTour-62.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

It didn’t take long to get out of the trees. The “young guns” up front hit the gas and enjoyed a good romp, while the “old guys” took their time :p Though Zane was caught in the middle of the old guys so I guess not all the young guns got to romp it out.

2017-09-20 - 00024 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

IMG_3401 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3402 by mike digirat, on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
Soon we were back at the main lot for the the trail head and I whipped in to let everyone catch up. Ben not too far behind and was soon behind me.

DeTour-63.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_0032 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

Ben and I stood back to watch how Dan’s reflexes would be to see us parked in the lot.

He did and slammed on the brakes to whip into the lot.

DeTour-64.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_0035 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

He let the others know over the radio as Ben and I laughed in the moment.

As he pulled up we got another good chuckle as the lineup of tires. Big to small.

DeTour-65.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00025 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

It wasn’t a long wait as Zane and Mike both pulled in.

IMG_0040 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0044 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_3403 by mike digirat, on Flickr

We had a whole mountain to leave though, a valley to cross and another mountain range to drive into. As Mike reminded us before we got too far into the BS.

So we continued out of the valley, enjoying the fact the further we drove, the less snow there was the slightest hint of blue sky just beyond. Plus it was nice to see the valley in the daylight vs the dark drive in the night before.

IMG_3404 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3405 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3406 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_0047 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

The road opened up and once again the speed picked up. We stopped one last time to look back on the valley before getting to the highway.

DeTour-66.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-67.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-68.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-69.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-70.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
And blue sky!

IMG_0048 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0050 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

DeTour-72.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

This was a good group photo spot we all took advantage of.

2017-09-20 - 00026 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

IMG_0051 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

DeTour-71.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-73.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-74.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-75.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_3407 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3409 by mike digirat, on Flickr

Ben’s passengers were having a great time and probably happy to be in a slightly drier area.

IMG_0055 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0054 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0057 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0060 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0061 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00028 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00029 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
Lunch was approaching and I suggested stopping at the bridge over Sunlight creek that we had spent all day crossing might be a good spot. Plus it had a restroom for everyone to use.

It wasn’t far to the highway and only a few hundred yards to the lot. It was much busier than I thought it would be and it was also very windy. But the bridge over the canyon was too good to pass up looking over the edge.

2017-09-20 - 00030 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

IMG_3412 by mike digirat, on Flickr

We all spread out to take in the vast drop off and beautiful canyon.

DeTour-76.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-77.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_3415 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3416 by mike digirat, on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00033 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

The bridge is no joke and lucky for us, you’re allowed to walk on it and get the full experience of canyon.

DeTour-78.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_3426 by mike digirat, on Flickr

DeTour-79.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_3418 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3420 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3423 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_0072 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

After out moments on the bridge I came back figuring we would eat. But the good ole Wyoming wind was out trying to blow over everything. Everyone wanted to wait for another place to eat. I figured maybe Bridger MT would work then out in the valley outside the mountains perhaps. With the prospect of a nice sunny lunch, everyone agreed to do this.

DeTour-80.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

While this conversation was happening, Devin did not want to wait and had made herself her sandwich to eat in the truck. On top of that, our posse had been really attracting a crowd. Particularly a small group of Oriental tourists. They evey balled all the trucks hard even snapping some photos. A few really like Frankenstein and hovered around him look under it. But they left soon enough. We aired up our tires, a long stint of highway ahead of us and set off on the Chief Joseph Scenic Byway. One of my favorite drives.

Ironically, we caught up with the mini van full of the tourists that had been eyeing the trucks hard. Thankfully, they pulled off an let us pass waving at us very enthusiastically. Thinking it was a bit funny we just kept going up the pass to the top of Dead Indian pass.

IMG_3429 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_0073 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_3430 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3431 by mike digirat, on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
Its a beautiful view from the top looking down into the valleys we had just been in. Amazingly, there was still no snow up here.

We had pulled off in a nice line to let others use the main parking, when the most surprising thing happened.

DeTour-81.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

A group of us were just hundled up bracing against the bitter wind chatting..

IMG_3433 by mike digirat, on Flickr

When the van of tourists pulled back in, finally caught up. As soon as they parked. A man and a women jumped out and ran over to Frankenstein….

To pose with him!

We all just stood there in shock for a moment that this was happening. Then quickly realized, no one would believe us without photographical evidence.

DeTour-82.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_0078 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

Couldn’t make that up. She did several happy looking poses and then they just turned and walked away.

The best part was Devin was still in the front seat eating her lunch which a very surprised look on her face. :rofl: wish I had gotten a photo of that!

Can’t blame em, trucks were looking gooooood

IMG_3434 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_0079 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0080 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0081 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0082 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0083 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0084 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

DeTour-83.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

With the wind blowing us around something fierce and our bellies starting to rumble, we hit the road down the mountain.

IMG_3435 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3437 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3439 by mike digirat, on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00035 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

IMG_3440 by mike digirat, on Flickr

2017-09-20 - 00036 - The De-Tour - Day 04 by Dan , on Flickr

IMG_3441 by mike digirat, on Flickr

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