Thanks Guys. I'm in a total crunch to get the dinette functional before my son and I leave on this years road/off road trip on the 31st, so I haven't had a lot of time for photos and explanations of what I'm doing, but will try to get another post with some pics up this weekend. Wish I hadn't let this go like I did, the crunch to get this done in such a short period of time is probably leading to some decisions I'll later regret. I'm already wishing I had made the aluminum storage lockers under the dinette seating a couple of inches wider. At the time I made the decision I didn't want it sticking out past the door jamb any further (about 2" as it is), but in retrospect it would have made the leg room under the table much roomy if I had made it a couple inches wider. Not having had another camper like this to compare to, it's hard to say if it's more cramped than the norm or not. Seating is roughly 18" wide with about 14" width for legs under the table. Seats are separated 17" front to back.