Actually Please find where I stated US is #1 in EDU. Actually please locate where and who brought up School Data in this thread.
You claimed that size of the country was deciding who was knowledgeable and educated. You argued that someone from a small country like Denmark could not be more educated and knowledgeable than someone from a large country, because it was something they were apparently born with.
From that, it follows that:
1) The US is the biggest country in the developed world
2) arguing that the US populace have some innate knowledge and education due to it being the largest
- means that it has to be #1. Not
only because it's the
biggest country in the developed world (and hence if we followed your argument it should be the best), but because Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Iceland are almost always the only ones in the top 5 when it comes to education and knowledge about the world. The US is always at the very bottom.
You brought up this ridiculous notion that knowledge and education were innate, and the bigger the country, the more knowledge and education were somehow present innately (at birth).
I then went on to talk about the facts that it was so ridiculous and detached from reality, considering that the US is always at the bottom 5 (of 40)in such rankings of education and knowledge. Thus disproving your notion.
Those rankings are not "School data".
That seems to be a huge deal to you. Might even be bigger than your hard on for Tesla.
Actually, I think it is tragic that the education levels in the US is so low that some people think you're born with knowledge and education - AND that those levels is directly related to the size of the country that person was born in. It shows a level of ignorance that is next-level, and it shows that the education is so bad that some people believe they get knowledgeable and educated by way of frigging magic.
You were so Proud and quick to post that your from a small Country.
No, I'm not particular proud. It's just a fact. I can't help where I was born, nor can anyone else. Nor did I "quickly" mention it. What the hell is wrong with you? We have been discussing for what seems like months in this thread, and me mentioning Denmark because someone thought that people who didn't like Musk must be some rightwinger American maybe would benefit from knowing that I, for one, wasn't an American right winger or whatever.
But I see - that is is the problem, isn't it? You somehow got triggered by someone mentioning in a response to someone else that they weren't from the US. And you then abandoned all sense and let the stupid flow.
A nice country one that I enjoy visiting. I’m just glad that most of your fellow countryman aren’t as pissy as you.
What you mean you didn't tell them you believed that the size of the population was
directly related the very cause of education levels and knowledge, and that it was something that was innate to you?
And far less “CNN factual” focused. The people at CNN are the best source of data right? They really know their ******** right?
There you go again with the CNN idiocy. We don't use CNN for anything here in Denmark.
You are the one who keeps injecting it into this. No one here watches or listens to CNN. Maybe in the airport while waiting for a flight. Even your categorisations of people and opinions are so ignorant of the world outside your borders, you don't even realise that insults like that (I'm cool with insults, though, they can add some fun to things) fall flat - all due to you being so ignorant that you are unaware that the rest of the world is not as uneducated as the US, and citizens in other countries aren't thinking in black and white.
Seriously, all that effort, all to avoid looking at any facts whatsoever.