The ExPo Mountain Bike Photo Thread

Two-Wheeled Explorer

Proceeding on...
New addition to the stable or quiver or garage. Pugsley went to a friend and Santa brought me a brand new Cogburn Outdoors CB4 in Realtree Snow camo. Great bike! (Of course, you can't see it because of the camo, right?") This is the winter and patrol build; I will be changing it over in the spring for a planned trip to the Adirondacks, where I grew up. Blackburn Outpost Cargo cages on the fork and bottle cages on the fork and down tube, Wanderlust handlebar and frame packs. Oh yeah, we gonna have some fun!


Ride safe,


Expedition Leader
Love it...I really like how Salsa specd the '15 beargrease line as opposed to the '14s...

now all we need is some snow in N. AZ...

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Love it...I really like how Salsa specd the '15 beargrease line as opposed to the '14s...

now all we need is some snow in N. AZ...
Yes. The spec on this bike is super tight. The brakes are solid and surprisingly close in performance to the Guide brakes on the Bucksaw. The X11 drivetrain is tack accurate. The Bucksaw made me a 1x11 advocate, this bike confirms it. It's just a clean, focused bike. Really dig it.

Hopefully this rain coming through this week will drop some snow on Flag. We're getting...nothing but mud.


Expedition Leader
Flounder I love the BG! Don't leave a white bike in the snowbank over night you will never find it the next day. haha
winter 14n15 088small.jpg
winter 14n15 190 small.jpg
winter 14n15 195small.jpg
winter 14n15 206small.jpg


here's another pic early in the race. I think next year I might ride it at a touring pace. Take some pictures, bivy around mile 100, and try to enjoy the scenery. I rode the majority of the race alone and in the dark. It might be cool to take it easier and soak up the surroundings. I think I saw a yeti at one point.


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