The ExPo Mountain Bike Photo Thread


Expedition Leader
2014 summer 249.jpg
Forgot I had the cowboy killers in the feed bag. Found them on the trail.
2014 summer 005.jpg
2014 summer 016.jpg
2014 summer 252.jpg
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New member
Couple pictures of my Jones. Currently set up 1x6 on a Chris King single speed hub with a Jones-modified XT cassette, XT 9 speed derailleur, Paul Thumbie and Shimano Barcon, and an MRP 1x chain guide to keep things in check up front. Also just recently switched to a half frame bag over a full, so far I'm liking being able to use a bottle cage for everyday riding without a backpack.

Saving my lunch money for a ti seat post, then this will be perfect and I can stop tinkering (yeah, right).





Expedition Leader
I dont think I've posted the framebag that Bedrock Bags made for the rig yet? Here is last weekend out at Ekultna Glacier.
eklutna ride 2014.jpg
glacier bike small.jpg
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Expedition Leader
Sweet. Is that an older proto fatback? I've never seen a top tube like that before.

yup, it was a proto between 2012-13 and the last of the overseas fatbacks before they started making them in Oregon Speedway had a deal on these frames that I could not pass up. And this is why I could not find a frame bag for this bike. Relavate was not taking custom orders this summer so Andrew a member here on Expo and his company Bedrock Bags made this from scratch in a few weeks, with just a template and photo of the bike. Fits perfect and he flared out the front of the bag extra wide for me something like 6 inches.
Here is the bike right after I built it up sitting on Uma 70s and Larrys
purinton creek  001.jpg
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Silent Footfalls
I like going to places on my BMX bike that usually only sees things like horses and 29er's
CAM00156 (1).jpg

Not that this pic is any indication of the area, it's kinda jsut whatever.


Decided the previously posted rigid 29er was not my cuppa, so replaced with this Bad Boy. Bring on the Fatty Kook-Aid!


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